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Inspire is an event designed specifically for ministry volunteers and leaders from Christian Reformed and Reformed churches across North America. The theme for 2022, Inspired to Be One, focused on celebrating our diversity in the CRCNA as a denomination, as well as the need for us to come together as one church.
Each day included spirit-filled worship led by a diverse worship team, workshops on topics covering every aspect of congregational life, and plenary speakers who challenged and equipped us to return to our local congregations with new ideas, renewed passion, and deepened commitment to God’s kingdom. You can read about several Inspire 2022 workshops on The Network.
And, of course, there was good food, fellowship, and plenty of time to connect with people from across our denominations to share stories and learn from each other!
Listen to the audio recordings from Inspire 2022.
Audio recordings
View photos from Inspire 2022:
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Inspire 2022 was built on the success of the 2019 event that was held in Windsor, Ontario. Read about Inspire 2019.