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Owing to the pressure of time and the incomplete archives for several years, this list does not include precise dates for every entry. To contribute to its completion or accuracy, please contact the Denominational Office.

1857 - 1875


March 14 - Noordeloos church of Classis Holland left the Reformed Church in America.

March 19 - Members of Second Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, organized independent church (now First CRC, Grand Rapids).

April 8 - Graafschap and Polkton churches seceded from Classis Holland of the Reformed Church, and two ministers resigned as ministers of Classis Holland (Reformed Church).

April 17 - Vriesland church left the Reformed Church in America to join the new denomination.

April 22 - Probable date of a meeting held to form a classis of a new denomination (minutes have been lost). This meeting included the Graafschap Reformed Church, the newly independent Grand Rapids church, Noordeloos Reformed Church, and Polkton (Coopersville) Reformed Church. This is the birth date of the denomination that became the Christian Reformed Church.

October 7 - Second classical meeting of the new denomination officially recognized the Vriesland church as a member. (By this time the Polkton church was already in the process of returning to the Reformed Church in America).


February 2 - First official name chosen for the new denomination: Hollandsche Gereformeerde Kerk.


February 6 - Second official name chosen for denomination: Ware Hollandsche Gereformeerde Kerk.


April 1 - First church organized within the denomination (First Zeeland, Michigan).


October 4 - First meeting of the denominational general assembly, held at Graafschap, Michigan. Since 1880 this body has been called the synod. Unknown - First church organized in Illinois (Low Prairie, now First South Holland).


May 11 - First church organized in New Jersey (First Paterson).

August 9 - First church organized in Iowa (First Pella).

August 22 - First German-speaking church organized (Ridott, Illinois).

October 16 - First permanent church organized in Wisconsin (Gibbsville, now Oostburg).


July 4 - First church organized in Ohio (Cincinnati).


February 14 - First publication of De Wachter, a denominational periodical.

October 7 - Second classis of denomination organized (Illinois). This body was dissolved in 1941, when two Chicago classes (Chicago North and Chicago South) were organized.


April 5 - First church organized in Indiana (Lafayette).


June 16 - First English worship service within the denomination, in the Central Avenue Church, Holland, Michigan, conducted by a minister of the True Protestant Dutch Reformed Church, a Dutch Reformed denomination in the eastern United States.


Unknown - First denominational yearbook published: Jaarboekje van de Ware Hollandsche Gereformeerde Kerk in Noord Amerika voor 1875.

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1876 - 1900


March 15 - Establishment of Calvin Theological Seminary: Rev. G.E. Boer installed as docent.

September 13 - First church organized in New York (Sayville, now West Sayville).


June 7 - Federal union effected with True Protestant Dutch Reformed Church.


November 14 - Classis Hudson organized.


July 2 - Beginning of denominational home missions. First itinerant minister sent to Clam Union (now Vogel Center), Michigan.


June 9 - First synod with published proceedings: Acta van de Synode 1880.

June 11 - Third official name chosen for the denomination: Hollandsche Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk (Holland Christian Reformed Church).

November 18 - First church organized in Kansas (Rotterdam, now Dispatch).


March 1 - First annual denominational yearbook published: Jaarboekje van de Ware Hollandsche Gereformeerde Kerk in Noord Amerika voor 1881.


July 19 - Classis Holland organized.


May 3 - First church organized in South Dakota (New Holland).


April 29 - First church organized in Minnesota (Prinsburg).

August 22 - Classis Muskegon organized.

September 21 - First church in Illinois reorganized (First South Holland). This church was organized early in 1865 at Low Prairie, but difficulties led to resignation of the pastor and the majority of the congregation in 1886.


February 23 - First English-speaking church organized: LaGrave Avenue, Grand Rapids (formerly Fourth Church).

April 27 - First church organized in North Dakota (Hull).


June 18 - Founding of the ministry that we now know as Christian Reformed World Missions.


October 23 - First missionary in denomination installed. His work, begun among the Sioux Indians on Rosebud Agency, Dakota Territory, was abandoned within a year.


June 10 - Merger of the Hollandsche Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk with the True Protestant Dutch Reformed Church, resulting in the fourth official name of the denomination: the Christian Reformed Church.

October 21 - Classis Hackensack organized, encompassing all of the former True Protestant Dutch Reformed Church.


April 6 - 100th church organized: Parkersburg, Iowa.


September 7 - Theological School building dedicated at Madison and Franklin, Grand Rapids.


October 10 - Beginning of denominational ministry among the Navajo people in New Mexico.

October 20 - First church organized in Massachusetts (Whitinsville).


October 9 - Beginning of denominational ministry among the Zuni people in Zuni, New Mexico.


August 16 - Classes Grand Rapids East and Grand Rapids West organized.


July 11 - First permanent church organized in Washington (First Lynden).

September 5 - Preparatory School opened at the Theological School.

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1901 - 1925


June 27 - Office of stated clerk (now general secretary) of the Christian Reformed Church created. Dr. Henry Beets appointed as first stated clerk.


June 22 - First church organized in Montana (Manhattan).

October 1 - First worship service at Rehoboth Indian Mission, Rehoboth, New Mexico.

Unknown - Dr. Henry Beets became editor of The Banner.


April 28 - First permanent church organized in Colorado (Alamosa).

September 16 - Classis Pella organized (for several years called Classis Iowa).


November 16—First church organized in Canada (Nijverdal, Alberta). This church reorganized in 1911 into two separate churches, Granum and Monarch (now called Nobleford).


August 15 - First permanent church organized in New Mexico (Rehoboth). This church organized at Fort Defiance in 1899 and moved to Rehoboth in 1906.

September 9 - John Calvin Junior College opened (four years of high school and two years of college).


May 20 - Majority of churches in Classis Hackensack seceded from denomination.

August 11 - Classis Zeeland organized.


April 18 - The Bethesda Society for Christian Benevolence to Consumptives organized (now Bethesda PsycHealth).

June 17 - Christian Psychopathic Hospital established at Cutlerville, Michigan. Name changed to Pine Rest in 1952.

September 27 - Rehoboth Mission Hospital organized.

October 12 - Classis Pacific organized.


May 11 - First church organized in California (First Redlands).

November 11 - First church organized in Manitoba (Winnipeg).


September 11 - 200th church organized (Zenith, North Dakota). This church dissolved in 1921.

September 25 - Classis Sioux Center organized.


Unknown - First church organized in Nebraska (Valentine, Lakeview Community).


Unknown - First English-language Psalter published (black).


February 25 - First publication of The Banner, the official denominational periodical.


October 4 - Grundy College, Grundy Center, Iowa, opened (closed in the 1930s).


August 17 - Christian Sanitarium (Goffle Hill) opened at Wycoff, New Jersey.

September 4 - Main building at Calvin College opened.


June 26 - Denomination affiliated with Federal Council of Christian Churches.

September 8 - First Christian high school opened (Chicago).

Unknown - Controversy over the use of the common cup at the Lord's Supper resolved by synod; the matter was left to the discretion of local consistories.


January 2 - First denominational printing plant opened at 214 Pearl Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

September 4 - First president of Calvin College installed (Rev. J.J. Hiemenga).

September 18 - American Federation of Reformed Young Men's Societies organized.


September 1 - National Union of Christian Schools established in Chicago of eight schools in Chicago, Iowa, and Wisconsin.

September 8 - Calvin College became four-year college. The preparatory department of the former John Calvin Junior College was reorganized as Grand Rapids Christian High School.

September 20 - Majority of members of First Church, Muskegon, seceded and organized Berean Reformed Church after Synod 1918 rejected the Dispensationalist views of Rev. Harry Bultema.

September 27 - First secretary for Foreign and Indian Missions installed (Dr. Henry Beets).

November 23 - First CRC missionaries arrived in China (Dr. and Mrs. Lee Huizinga, Rev. and Mrs. Harry Dykstra, Rev. and Mrs. J.C. De Korne).


November 17 - Beginning of denominational mission work in China (Jukao, Kiangsu).


May 1 - Publication plant moved to 52 Market Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan.


May 23 - Opening of clinic and beginning of Dr. Lee Huizinga's medical mission work in China at Jukao.

July 1 - Denominational membership in Federal Council of Christian Churches canceled.

August 6 - Classis California organized.

September 4 - Calvin College Dormitory opened (Franklin Campus).

September 17 - Classis Wisconsin organized.

December 12 - Suspension of pastor (Rev. Herman Hoeksema) of Eastern Avenue Church, Grand Rapids, leading to organization of the Protestant Reformed Church.


January 24 - Suspension of pastor (Rev. Henry Danhof) of First Church, Kalamazoo, leading to organization of First Protesting Christian Reformed Church (common-grace controversy). The congregation returned to denominational fellowship in 1946.

September 13 - First Women's Missionary Union meeting held in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Unknown - Professor J. Broene became president of Calvin College.

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1926 - 1950


July 19 - First church organized in Ontario (Chatham).

October 21 - First church organized in British Columbia (First Vancouver).


April 5 - First permanent church organized in Idaho (Grangeville).


March 8 - Calvin College Library opened (Franklin Campus).

March 13 - American Federation of Reformed Men's Societies organized.

June 20 - Synod approved the appointment of a committee to select hymns to be included in the Psalter for use in worship services.

September 15 - Classis Florida (presently Classis Southeast U.S.) organized.

Unknown - Choirs first permitted in worship services. Rev. H.J. Kuiper became editor of The Banner.

- Complete revision of the Church Order approved by synod.


Unknown - First congregation organized in Hamilton, Ontario.


October 7 - Beginning of denominational work in Argentina.

October 29 - Calvin Seminary building dedicated at the corner of Benjamin and Franklin, Grand Rapids.

Unknown - Rev. R.B. Kuiper became president of Calvin College.


April 27 - Christian Labour Association organized.

September 9 - First president of Calvin Seminary installed (Rev. Louis Berkhof).


May 6 - American Federation of Young Women's Societies organized.

Unknown - Th.M degree program initiated at Calvin Seminary.


Unknown - Dr. Ralph Stob became president of Calvin College.


January 9 - Beginning of denominational work in Brazil.

January 15 - Psalter Hymnal issued as official denominational hymnal (red book).


November 17 - First church organized in North Carolina (Terra Ceia).


January 1 - Christian Reformed Publication House added Sunday-school papers to work of denominational printing plant.

December 23 - Publication plant's third location dedicated (47 Jefferson Avenue, Grand Rapids).


January 12 - Classis Grand Rapids South and Classis Kalamazoo organized.


December 17 - First denominational radio broadcast (Chicago station).

Unknown - Rev. J. Broene became president of Calvin College for the second time.


January 1 - Beginning of denominational missions in Nigeria.

January 3 - Opening of Reformed Bible Institute in Grand Rapids.

September 6 - 300th church organized (Saginaw, Michigan).

Unknown - Rev. Henry Schultze became president of Calvin College.


October 16 - Classis Chicago North and Classis Chicago South organized.


July 16 - Missionaries forced to leave China. Some were interned.

Unknown - Rev. John De Haan, Jr., became stated clerk of the CRC.


June 18 - Denomination affiliation with National Association of Evangelicals begun.

November 14 - First church organized in Washington, D.C.


September 1 - First full-time Banner editor began his work (Rev. H.J. Kuiper).

November 14 - Bethany Christian Home in Grand Rapids opened.

Unknown - Dr. Samuel Volbeda became president of Calvin Seminary.


April 3 - First permanent church organized in Arizona (Phoenix).

August 14 - First Reformed Ecumenical Synod convened in Grand Rapids.

September 1 - First denominational radio minister began his radio ministry (Rev. Peter Eldersveld).

Unknown - Dr. Ralph Danhof became stated clerk of the CRC.


August 1 - First full-time secretary of Home Missions began his work (Rev. Harry Blystra).

December 7 - First denominational radio broadcast on Mutual Broadcasting System.


March 4 - Beginning of denominational work in Ceylon.

June 13 - Synod decided that adopted children should be baptized only after adoption was finalized.


January 1 - Introduction of the daily devotional Family Altar by The Back to God Hour.

February 6 - Calvin College Science Building dedicated (Franklin Campus).

February 7 - Official termination of denominational mission work in China.

June 22 - Addition of Tiv people to denominational outreach in Nigeria.

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1951 - 1975


March 25 - Beginning of denominational mission work in Japan.

June 25 - Denomination withdrew from membership in the National Association of Evangelicals.

November 1 - Beginning of denominational mission work in southern India. The work was terminated in 1954.

November 27 - Classis Alberta organized.

Unknown - Dr. William Spoelhof became president of Calvin College.


May 30 - 400th church organized (Mount Hamilton, Ontario).

August 20 - Beginning of church planting among African Americans in Harlem, New York City.

August 28 - Classis Minnesota North and Classis Minnesota South organized.

October 26 - First permanent church organized in Saskatchewan (Saskatoon).

December 3 - Classis Chatham, Classis Eastern Ontario, and Classis Hamilton organized.

Unknown - Rev. R.B. Kuiper became president of Calvin College.


February 27 - Calvin Commons dedicated (Franklin Campus).


January 31 - First denominational telecast (San Diego, California, and Dallas, Texas, stations).

February 7 - First church organized in province of Quebec (Montreal). First church organized in Nova Scotia (Belmont, now Truro).


May 25 - First church organized in Florida (Miami).

July 6 - Classis Cadillac organized.

July 10 - First church organized on Prince Edward Island.

August 21 - Young Calvinist Federation of North America organized to replace Federation of Reformed Young Men's Societies and Federation of Reformed Young Women's Societies.

September 1 - Dedication of Dort Junior College, Sioux Center, Iowa.

October 19 - Classis Rocky Mountain organized.


June 14 - New denominational office building and fourth printing-plant building dedicated.

June 22 - Synod approved purchase of Knollcrest Campus for Calvin College and Seminary; purchase papers signed.

Unknown - Second version of the red Psalter Hymnal published. - Dr. John Kromminga became president of Calvin Seminary. - Dr. John Vander Ploeg became editor of The Banner.


January 1 - First congregation organized in Utah (Salt Lake City, First).

April 5 - Centennial of the denomination.

June 17 - Approval granted by synod for ministers to serve as institutional chaplains.

Unknown - First church organized in Pennsylvania (Broomall). Hungarian-refugee resettlement program begun. Discussion of possible reunion with part of Protestant Reformed Church begun.


January 15 - Classis Grandville organized.

May - Rev. Bassam Madany admitted to ministry for Back to God Hour Arabic broadcasts.

Unknown - Cuba studied as a possible World Missions field.


September 14 - Calvin College's enrollment topped 2,000 for first time.

October 1 - Trinity Christian College opened in Palos Heights, Illinois.

October 17 - Ground breaking for new seminary building on the Knollcrest Campus.

Unknown - New (centennial) Psalter Hymnal released (blue book).


June 10 - Seminary cornerstone laid during synod.

September 30 - Classis Lake Erie organized.

Unknown - Seminary classes begun on Knollcrest Campus.

- Dr. Joel Nederhood appointed to The Back to God Hour.

- First Chinese CRC organized (Queens, New York).

- Institute for Christian Studies opened in Toronto, Ontario.

- First Cuban-refugee church service held in Miami.

- Rev. Marvin C. Baarman appointed executive director of Home Missions.


January 17 - First congregation organized in New Brunswick, Canada (Fredericton).

May 23 - Seminary building dedicated on Knollcrest Campus.

June 22 - Synod clarified and articulated the denomination's position on inspiration and infallibility.

July 13 - Reunion of some Protestant Reformed churches with the CRC.

November 18 - Calvin College Knollcrest Campus ground breaking.

Unknown - Mexico adopted by synod as new World Missions field.


September 12 - Some Calvin College classes met for first time on the Knollcrest Campus.

September 19 - Classis Central California organized.

October 11 - Scott Redhouse ordained as first Native American CRC minister.

November 22 - Knollcrest Dining Hall completed.

Unknown - Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) begun.

- Summer Workshop in Missions (SWIM) inaugurated.

- Dort College became a four-year college.


June 14 - Synod granted consistories the freedom to decide when adopted children would be baptized.

June 18 - Southwest U.S. Native American ministry transferred from the Board of Foreign Missions to the Home Missions Board.


Unknown - First church organized in Oregon (Salem, Sunnyslope).

- First Spanish-language congregation organized (El Buen Samaritano CRC, Miami).

- Tiv language Bible published after 50 years of work.

- Luke Society organized to take control of Rehoboth Christian Hospital.

- Southwest U.S. Native American ministry transferred from the Board of Foreign Missions to the Home Missions Board.


May 25 - Calvin College Fieldhouse dedicated.

June 9-17 - Synod met at Sioux Center, first non-West Michigan site.


September 14 - Calvin College enrollment reached 3,000.

September 30 - Classis Illiana organized.

October 20 - Calvin Fine Arts Center completed.

Unknown - First church organized in Connecticut (South Windsor, Avery Street).

- Formation of the Council of the Christian Reformed Churches in Canada (CCRCC).

- First church organized in Vermont (Vergennes).

- Rev. Juan Boonstra joined BTGH staff as Spanish-language minister.

- Calvin Theological Journal begun.


September 5 - De Wachter moved from weekly to biweekly publication.

September 14 - Classis Quinte organized.

September 16 - Calvin College Student Commons dedicated on the Knollcrest Campus.

September 20 - Classis Huron organized.

Unknown - Puerto Rico added as a World Missions field.

- First full-time chaplain approved to serve in a correctional facility.

- Synod endorsed the beginning of ministry on college campuses through Home Missions.


November 5 - Board of Publications created (now Faith Alive Christian Resources).

November 28 - Calvin College Science Building completed on the Knollcrest Campus.


October 16 - Classis Columbia organized.

Unknown - First church organized in Missouri (St. Louis, Trinity).

- First church organized in Maryland (Silver Spring).

Emeritus Fund became Ministers' Pension Fund.


June 19 - Synod appointed first committee to discuss women in ecclesiastical office.

September 21 - Dr. Lester De Koster became editor of The Banner.

Unknown - Calvin College and Seminary Library opened on Knollcrest Campus.

- Unified Church School Curriculum adopted, eliminating separate catechism and Sunday-school curricula.

- Rev. William P. Brink appointed denominational stated clerk.

- Reformed Bible Institute became a four-year degree-granting college and was renamed Reformed Bible College.


June 17?Synodical Committee on Race Relations (SCORR) created.


Unknown - Franklin Campus of Calvin College sold.

- Bible Way curriculum introduced.

- Synod stated the denominational position on abortion.


Unknown - Calvin College's move to Knollcrest Campus completed. - Synod decided that the topic of women in office required further study.

- Synod articulated the denominational position on homosexuality.

- Synod articulated the denominational position on the authority of Scripture.

- Synod articulated the denominational position on office and ordination.

- Synod articulated the denominational position on practices associated with Neo-Pentecostalism.

- M.Div. degree program begun at Calvin Seminary.


February 1 - William Spoelhof College Center dedicated at Calvin College.

Unknown - The Back to God Hour added Chinese and Japanese languages to its broadcasts

- Synod approved the appointment of the first full-time executive secretary for the Chaplain Committee (Rev. Harold Bode).

- Rev. John Van Ryn appointed executive director of Home Missions.


Unknown - First church organized in Virginia (Norfolk)

- Vietnamese-refugee resettlement program begun.

- Synod adopted "Statements on the Growing Church," a foundational document for local and personal evangelism.

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1976 - 2000


March 2 - Dr. Anthony Diekema became president of Calvin College.

September 2 - Classis Atlantic Northeast organized.

Unknown - First church organized in Texas (El Paso).

- The Back to God Hour moved into new International Communications Center in Palos Heights, Illinois.

- Roseland Christian Ministry Center began in former Back to God Hour building.

- Second edition of the blue Psalter Hymnal published.


July 17 - First Korean congregation in CRC organized (Korean CRC, Los Angeles).

September 12 - Calvin College enrollment exceeded 4,000 for first time.

Unknown - MA degree program begun at Calvin Seminary.

- Church for Vietnamese refugees formed in former First CRC of Los Angeles.

- Crownpoint Mission School opened.


June 21 - Synod permitted women to serve in the office of deacon.

Unknown - Synod approved the establishment of the office of evangelist.


Unknown - CRC Publications now Faith Alive Christian Resources appointed its first executive director (Mr. James Heynen).

- Service committee for ministry to and with persons with disabilities initiated.


September 1 - Rev. Andrew Kuyvenhoven became editor of The Banner.

September 18 - Classis Thornapple Valley organized.

December 12 - Redeemer College received its provincial charter.

Unknown - Synod articulated "Marriage Guidelines."

- M.T.S. degree program begun at Calvin Seminary.


Unknown - Discover Your Gifts program for evangelism begun by Home Missions.

- Friendship Series (educational material for mentally challenged) inaugurated by CRC Publications now Faith Alive Christian Resources.

- Coffee Break officially adopted by Home Missions as a denomination-wide discipling effort.


May 5 - Calvin College Meeter Center dedicated.

September 1 - Redeemer College opened in Hamilton, Ontario (now located in Ancaster, Ontario).

September 25 - Classis Red Mesa organized.

Unknown - Minority recruitment program begun at seminary.

- Rev. Leonard J. Hofman became denominational stated clerk (later, general secretary).

- Dr. James A. De Jong appointed president of Calvin Seminary.

- "Faith 20" television broadcast begun by The Back to God Hour.

- Canadian office of the CRCNA opened (Burlington, Ontario).

- Denominational pastor-church relations service begun.


September 1 - Dr. James A. De Jong began his presidency of Calvin Theological Seminary.

Unknown - First church organized in Tennessee (Nashville, Faith). M.Min. program begun in seminary.

- Synod placed restrictions on the relationship between the CRC and the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland.

- Annual observance of All Nations Heritage Sunday initiated.


June 19 - Mr. Gary Mulder appointed executive director of CRC Publications now Faith Alive Christian Resources.

Unknown - Helping Hand Mission in Chicago closed after 70 years.


September 18 - Classes British Columbia North-West and British Columbia South-East organized.

December 31 - Publication of De Wachter concluded after 116 years of publication.

Unknown - First church organized in Georgia (New Hope of Dunwoody).


September 24 - Classis Niagara organized.

Unknown - Completion of Navajo translation of the Bible.

- Rev. John Rozeboom appointed executive director of Home Missions.

- World Ministries Board established for integrating the word and deed ministry of World Missions and World Relief.

- Dr. Roger Greenway appointed executive director of World Ministries.

- Dedication of new campus and facilities of Redeemer College in Ancaster, Ontario.


March 12 - The King's College given accreditation for granting degrees by the province of Alberta.

Unknown - CRCNA rejoined the National Association of Evangelicals.

- First Hmong CRC organized (Sheboygan, WI).

- New version of the Psalter Hymnal approved (gray).


June 14 - First biennial Multiethnic Conference held at time of synod.

September 20 - Classis Arizona organized.

September 22 - Classis Georgetown organized.

- New Psalter Hymnal (gray book) published and dedicated.

- New Ecumenical Charter approved by synod.

- "Gathering God's Growing Family," a new-church-development and local-church-evangelizing movement, begun by Home Missions.


August 1 - Rev. Galen Meyer became editor of The Banner.

September 13 - Classis Yellowstone organized.

September 21 - Classis Greater Los Angeles organized.

Unknown - Synod approved the development of a new church-school curriculum (LiFE).

- First church organized in Nevada (Las Vegas, So Mang Presbyterian).

- Denominational abuse-prevention services begun in response to overture.


June 19 - Synod permitted congregational discretion in using women's gifts in all the offices of the church.

July 1 - Reformed Bible College moved to new campus on East Beltline.

Unknown - Synod received report on creation and evolution.

- Synod changed the title stated clerk to general secretary.

- Ph.D. program approved for Calvin Seminary.

- Dr. Peter Borgdorff appointed executive director of World Ministries.



- Synod approved the creation of separate boards of trustees for Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary.

- Synod adopted statements regarding creation and science.


Unknown - Synod closed the offices of minister, elder, and evangelist to women.

- Ph.D. program inaugurated at Calvin Theological Seminary.

- Synod approved report on "Creation and Science."

- Synod dissolved the World Ministries Board.

- Dr. Peter Borgdorff appointed first executive director of ministries.

- First Cambodian CRC organized (Salt Lake City, Utah).


June 11 - Rev. John Suk appointed editor of The Banner.

October 16 - Dedication of new campus for The King's University College in Edmonton, Alberta.

Unknown - Many congregations began to secede from denomination because of the women-in-office issue.


June 16 - Dr. David H. Engelhard appointed general secretary of the CRCNA.

Unknown - CRC Publications now Faith Alive Christian Resources began publishing the LiFE curriculum.


March - Early Teen Ministry begun under United Calvinist Youth.

June 19 - Synod first allowed classes to declare the word male inoperative in Church Order Article 3-a.

Unknown - Dr. Gaylen Byker became president of Calvin College.

- First church organized in New Hampshire (North Hampton, New Covenant).


June 18 - Synod approved candidacy of three women.

August 24 - First woman pastor ordained in the CRC (Rev. Ruth Hofman).

Unknown - Classis Pacific Hanmi organized.

- Serguei Sossedkine joined BTGH for Russian broadcasting.

- Many CRC agencies formed Canadian boards.

- Dissolution of the Council of the Christian Reformed Churches in Canada (CCRCC).

- Synod endorsed biblical and theological principles regarding a racially and ethnically diverse family of God.


May 27 Calvin Library dedicated after expansion and renamed the Hekman Library.

September 15 - The Banner moved to biweekly publication.

Unknown - World Literature Ministries published the first volume of Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion in Russian.

- Deacons granted permission to be delegated to classes.

- First Filipino Christian Reformed church organized (Bellflower, California).


June 16 - Synod made provisions for congregations to form "union churches" with congregations of other denominations.

June 28 - Redeemer College given accreditation for granting Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees by the province of Ontario.


June 12 - Synod met in Canada for the first time (Redeemer College, Ancaster, Ontario).

Unknown - First agency-wide antiracism training.

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2001 - Present