Saturday March 1
from: ReFrame Ministries: South Africa
Pray for Nomkhosi, who follows our Family Fire program from South Africa. She has been seeking God’s guidance in her life and has faced deep spiritual struggles, but she has found renewed faith and healing through Family Fire. Pray for her continued growth in faith and wisdom, and for strength and peace as she follows God’s calling.
Sunday March 2
from: Resonate Global Mission: Kenya
Give thanks for God’s work through Job in Kenya. After participating in Educational Care training led by Resonate missionary Mwikali Wambua in Kenya, Job began to see teaching not just as a job but as a calling to join God on mission. Though he was strict in the past, his students now see him as a father figure who cares about them.
Monday March 3
from: Thrive: Gather events
Please pray for the ongoing Gather events taking place across the United States and Canada. Pray that attendees may experience a renewal of faith and a sense of community with other congregations.
Tuesday March 4
from: Calvin Theological Seminary: Exams
Senior students will be taking their oral comprehensive exams this month as they prepare for graduation and ministry beyond seminary. Pray that the exams will not cause undue anxiety but will bless them in knowing how much they have learned in their studies.
Wednesday March 5
from: Communications: Ash Wednesday
As we enter the Lenten season, may the Holy Spirit turn our hearts to the light of God. In times when many people are experiencing uncertainty, anxiety, fear, and grief, may the Spirit lead us to repentance and assure us of God's love in Jesus Christ. May God help us to live generously as we trust in his goodness and grace.
Thursday March 6
from: ReFrame: Japan
Pray for Emi, who listens to our Japanese audio program every week while commuting. Recently she asked for prayers that she would grow closer to God, recognizing her need for his guidance and strength. Pray that Emi will continue to find encouragement, grow in faith, and experience God’s love in her daily life.
Friday March 7
from: Thrive: Worship and ministry
Please pray for your congregation's worship leaders and planners. Lent is an exceptionally busy time of preparing for Easter. Ask God to fill these leaders with energy, joy in their work, and ample times of rest.
Saturday March 8
from: World Renew: International Women's Day
Among all the people we work with, women are generally most susceptible to abuse, poverty, and powerlessness. Many of our programs are therefore designed to offer women resources and training so that they can gain influence and become changemakers. Pray for women everywhere, and praise God for their gifts and willingness to help grow healthy, strong communities.
Sunday March 9
from: Centre for Public Dialogue: Justice and Hope Sunday
Lent gives us space to grieve the many injustices we see in the world. Praise God that we are not left in this season but are also a resurrection people. The Centre for Public Dialogue (Canada) helps to point out injustices in public policy and works for shalom in this world. Pray for this work as Lent begins.
Monday March 10
from: Resonate: Michigan
When Joan started fostering Elijah, a child with autism, she struggled to find a church where he could thrive. Give thanks that they were able to find a faith community through City Hope GR, a Resonate partner church plant in Michigan that started as a church for people with all abilities.
Tuesday March 11
from: World Renew: Funding
People in crisis rely on aid from agencies like World Renew. Recent changes to U.S. foreign aid funding have caused ripple effects among our networks and partners. Pray for families who are not receiving the food, essential hygiene and health items, and basic supplies they need. Pray for wisdom for leaders as they make decisions that affect millions of people who live in poverty and great need.
Wednesday March 12
from: Communications: CRC Annual Day of Prayer
Synod has designated the second Wednesday in March as the CRC’s Annual Day of Prayer. On this day each year, all congregations are requested to take time to ask for God’s blessing on the world, our nations and communities, crops and industry, and the church worldwide.
Thursday March 13
from: ReFrame: Burkina Faso
Pray for Issa, a young student with a visual disability who has found encouragement through our French radio programs and in follow-up conversations with our partners. May he continue to grow in faith, and may God provide him with the support and opportunities he needs in order to thrive.
Friday March 14
from: Resonate: Philippines
Resonate missionaries Sung Ho Jung and Hye Sung Park, who serve in the Philippines, ask for prayers that “Bible study participants will be transformed by God’s Word, remain spiritually grounded, and resist worldly influences.”
Saturday March 15
from: Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee: Preparations
Each year representatives from churches abroad are invited to attend the synod meeting of the CRCNA. For some it is difficult to obtain a travel visa. Pray that these Christian brothers and sisters may be able to attend this year’s gathering and that we may learn from each other how best to be the church of Jesus in today’s trying times.
Sunday March 16
from: Thrive: Ongoing work
Please continue to pray for the ongoing work of Thrive as we equip and encourage congregations and ministry leaders across the denomination. Pray for wisdom, compassion, and joy as we seek to support churches with connections and resources for flourishing.
Monday March 17
from: World Renew: Refugees and displaced people
More than 120 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide due to persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations. World Renew continues to serve and advocate for vulnerable populations through disaster response and refugee resettlement work. Join us in praying that God will keep these families safe, warm, well fed, and healthy.
Tuesday March 18
from: Resonate: Japan
Resonate missionaries Jeong and Misook Gho, who serve in Japan, ask for prayer for Mr. Kitamura, who recently came to faith in Jesus and was baptized! Please pray for him as he continues to grow as a disciple. Ask God to work through him to draw his friends and family into a relationship with Jesus.
Wednesday March 19
from: ReFrame: Indonesia
Pray for Vonny, a Sunday school teacher who watches our YouTube program to continue improving and to be inspired by others who lead in children’s ministry. Pray that the children she works with will learn from her and grow in faith.
Thursday March 20
from: Thrive: Chaplains
Hospice chaplains care for the spiritual needs of many patients and their loved ones. Anticipatory grief and adjustment to decreasing capacities are ever-present realities in this care. Many people have questions about God and eternity, as well as concerns for loved ones left behind. Pray for our chaplains who walk with individuals and families in these settings as they seek to share the peace and love of God.
Friday March 21
from: Calvin University: International students and travels
Please pray for safe travel as our admissions counselors cross the globe recruiting students. Pray also for our many international students as they are far from home, can face additional financial challenges, and need to be aware of visa changes and challenges.
Saturday March 22
from: Resonate: Campuses
Many university students are entering the final stretch in their spring semester. Resonate partner campus ministers throughout Canada and the United States ask you to pray for students as they work on final projects, write final papers, and study for final exams. Ask the Holy Spirit to heal any anxiety they may have, and pray that all students may find rest in God.
Sunday March 23
from: World Renew: Rains
After an extended drought across southern Africa last year, some regions are experiencing a healthy rainy season again. Pray for stability for farmers and their families, asking that they may learn about and benefit from diversification of the crops they plant and that their livelihoods may flourish.
Monday March 24
from: Thrive: Children's ministry
Please pray for the children’s ministry leaders and volunteers in your congregation as they strive to disciple the next generation and invest in children’s faith formation. Pray for creativity, support, energy, and encouragement.
Tuesday March 25
from: Resonate: Ireland
“Our church continues to grow. Week by week we are welcoming new people and new Christians into our fellowship,” share Resonate missionaries Luke and Kelsey Carrig in Ireland. Praise God!
Wednesday March 26
from: Candidacy Committee: Applicants
Please ask the Lord to fill this year's candidacy applicants with joy and strength as they complete their final preparations to become candidates for ministry of the Word!
Thursday March 27
from: ReFrame: Nigeria
Pray for a man named Daniel in Nigeria, who recently reached out to our Prayer Ministry team and shared, “I struggle with a lack of joy, oversensitivity to criticism, porn addiction, loneliness, and rejection. I feel so withdrawn that I hardly pray, only uttering a few words before taking pills to sleep due to clinical depression. Please pray for me.”
Friday March 28
from: Resonate: British Columbia
Pray for The Tapestry, a Resonate partner church plant with multiple sites in British Columbia. Ask the Holy Spirit to work through these churches as they seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities.
Saturday March 29
from: World Renew: Partnerships
Give thanks with us for the sustainable development made possible through our partnerships. These working relationships are formed through associations of similar organizations that can build each other up, commitments from churches in North America to volunteer or give, and agreements with denominations across the world. Pray that these partnerships may be effective, mutually beneficial, and God honoring.
Sunday March 30
from: Thrive: Change and transition
Please pray for churches and ministry leaders throughout the denomination who are navigating seasons of transition within the life of their congregation. Pray for perseverance, faithfulness, discernment, and gentleness in each process.
Monday March 31
from: Resonate: Cohort
Please pray for volunteers who have been serving with our young adult cohorts in Central America, Detroit, Europe, and the Middle East. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance as the young adults in these groups transition from their time together to go and live out their faith and follow God’s call on their lives.