Introducing...Cameron Kritikos!

Cameron is the newest member of the Office of Social Justice team. He joins our team this week as the Justice Mobilizing and Advocacy Fellow, a one year position with our office. Cameron comes to us from a background in international development after attending Calvin College in Michigan where he received a Bachelor of Arts in International Development Studies with minors in Spanish and Ministry Leadership. This past year, Cameron served as an Marketing and Resource Development Americorps VISTA volunteer for Latin United Community Housing Association in Chicago.
We are thrilled to welcome Cameron to the team!
1. Who is one of your social justice heroes?
Oscar Romero’s witness has always spoken to me because he participated so fully in God’s Kingdom. His words and movements pronounced the Kingdom’s presence and the King’s rule in the here and now. He was bold and brave in calling out the violence in the hearts of people and societal structures that oppressed God’s beloved people.
2. You studied international development. What has been one of the most formative experiences or lessons from either your education or work in that field?My most formative experience while studying international development was living with a L’Arche Community in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. L’Arche is an international organization that builds meaningful friendships between people of all abilities, and my time spent there involved caring for many abandoned, severely disabled adults in a community. As I reflected then and now, I see the intersecting societal and interpersonal injustices that leave our communities fractured both domestically and abroad. The work needed to make our communities more whole requires addressing the sin in our own lives and the sin manifested in destructive policies, laws, and institutions.
3. Tell us about a time you have been inspired by your congregation.I was recently inspired when my church transitioned from styrofoam to mugs for coffee on Sunday mornings. Though a small and long overdue step, it’s a start. We’re getting there.
4. Which TV show character best reflects you and why?
Jim Halpert from The Office. We’re worlds apart in our philosophies and some of the bigger stuff, but his relentless pursuit of his loves is something I find really beautiful—he pursues Pam even when it’s hard and he loves fully.