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Justice Prayers - April 15 2020

April 15, 2020

His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you’re perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm. - Psalm 91 (The Message) 

U.S. Deports Almost 400 Children Under new Coronovirus Rules.  

New rules came into effect on March 21, 2020 that affects minors seeking asylum.   Since Mar. 21, almost 400 minors have been deported, 177 of them on planes to Central and South America.  It is not known the fate of the rest of the minors.  The dismantling of the old rules, put in place to combat the trafficking of minors in these positions, was billed as a way to combat COVID-19.   

Lord Jesus, for these little ones whose fate is unknown, be their strength and protect them from harm.  For those in powerful and decision-making positions, open their eyes to the consequences of limited sight.   May we, as God's children, demand from our leaders that the lives of children must never be acceptable losses for any other good.   Keep us, your people, from making decisions that benefit some of us while actively damaging the lives of our neighbors children.

Access to Coronovirus Supplies Becoming a Matter of Rich vs Poor

As supplies and equipment needed to combat the Corona virus become limited, due to both manufacturing, and supply chain issues, there is a worldwide "scrum" to get access to them.  Countries with more money and clout are getting access to these vital supplies over poorer countries due to market distortions and rising costs.   Aid agencies are not as able to compete with wealthier countries in procuring equipment for the people they serve.  

Lord Jesus, the inequity of our global systems is being shown again and again as this virus rolls over all of us.  Those with wealth get better care than those without - this is the case for countries but also within our own neighborhoods.   Provide provision of supplies for those who need it, no matter where they are on this earth you called good.  Help us to see where we can be the answers to these prayers - with our advocacy, our generosity and by listening to the stories of ALL our neighbors.  

For us in positions of power and with voices that might be heard, forgive us for letting these systems go for so long and do this much damage to your image on this earth.  

U.S. Government stops enforcing environmental laws, citing Coronavirus

In the U.S., The Federal Administration has chosen to drastically relax the rules around environmental pollution and impact, including the  Emissions Standards contained in the Clean Air Act, citing the Coronavirus and its economic impact as its reason.  Fines and penalties are being waived for broad uncompliance of Environmental laws.   The latest in a long line of environmental policies that have been rolled back or repealed, this effectively says that there are no consequences for choices companies make in regards to their impacts on air quality, water purity, land use.  

Lord Jesus, while we are very afraid of economic consequences of this virus, keep us from making the idolatrous mistake of sacrificing your sustaining earth for the sake of certainty.  Open our eyes to bigger imaginations about stewardship of earth and economic growth.    Guard our hearts and guide our hands to make better choices.   Help our leaders to see farther down the road with wisdom and insight.  Enlarge our citizen imaginations about what is possible here.  Because you are the God of all well-being, all forms of wealth, help us to make the choices that heal and do not harm.  

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Growing Weary in Doing Good 

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Protect the Vulnerable 

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