Justice Prayers - December 6, 2023

Let us dare to test God's resources. Let us ask him to kindle in us, and to keep aflame that passion for the impossible, that God might make us delight in it with him, because God doesn't find anything impossible. Nor should we. And we delight in it with him until the day we shall see it by his grace transformed into fact. - Lilias Trotter
COP 28 Leadership and Listening
As scientists, governmental leaders, activists and industry meets to talk about the worlds needed climate goals and what we are willing to do to keep them, we commit to praying for the leadership, the process and for the presence of God’s spirit.
Lord, help those at these talks to see what they need to see to make the decisions and commitments they need to make. We pray for wisdom, discernment and truth to be what circulates and keep politics, power and greed from the decision table in the name of Jesus.
May your people be witnesses to your love, your grace and your kingdom at COP 28 and may it be your people who head the charge to love and care for your whole creation.
COP 28 Loss and Damage Fund Launched
The launch of a ‘loss and damage’ fund at the United Nations COP28 summit is important but only the first in the fight for climate justice, say experts and activists.
Climate-vulnerable countries have asked wealthier nations – who have largely amassed their riches through unbridled CO2 emissions – to take their fair share of responsibility for the climate crisis and pay up for the damage caused. We hold this fund and our call to do justice in the world up in prayer:
Father of every good and perfect gift, we know that the consequences of development have led poorer countries to bear the brunt of climate change’s effects. We pray that this step in a fund for loss and damages will help to put wrongs to rights. We pray the fund will be managed well and provide real help to families and communities most affected by our changing climate. Help us keep our promises.
War in Ukraine approaches 2 year mark
As the world continues to hold so much war and conflict, we keep in mind those fighting in Ukraine, the families displaced, the land and infrastructure destroyed and the cities occupied by Russian military forces. We continue to pray:
God, you do not forget. You hold each soul that has been wounded, displaced, terrified. You know what they need and your spirit is present in the midst of soldiers and citizens alike. Bring an end to this conflict, bring down the mighty from their thrones and look upon your servants with mercy. May peace rule in Ukraine this Christmas season.
Dam Removals in California Due to Indigenous Advocacy Amidst Ecological Disaster
Four dams along the Klamath River in northern California are being demolished and removed after decades of Indigenous advocacy aiming to stop the chain of consequences the dams had on the river’s ecosystem. This reclamation for the sake of a flourishing ecosystem that supports life for all is a turning point and a cause for celebration.
Creator God, you know how this earth works best. You designed rivers, fish, land to work as one, as you created your people to work as a body. Continue to dismantle our mindset that says we humans know best and that everything exists only for us to use. Create in us new hearts that value the ways our earth works. thank you for the leadership Indigenous peoples and neighbors are offering us all. Continue to humble us for the sake of your name.
Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers
5 Ways Families Can Explore Waiting and Hope This Advent SeasonThough Advent is meant to be a season of waiting and expectancy as we celebrate Christ's birth and look forward to Christ's return, the season is often so full of activities and to-dos that we don’t even have a chance to feel like we’re waiting. Create opportunities to experience waiting, expectancy, and hope this season with these five family faith-forming activities. Learn More »
Caring for VolunteersHow is your church volunteer community? Is it thriving? Are you lacking volunteers post-COVID? Many churches are finding themselves in the midst of a volunteer shortage. If your church would like support in this area, the Thrive team has developed a workshop for you to navigate this reality. Reach out to them anytime for support! Learn More »