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Justice Prayers - January 31, 2024

January 31, 2024

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. John 17: 15-18, NIV

Prayers for Winnipeg Community

An Indigenous woman in distress was filmed with her hands zip tied behind her back and crying out in the lobby of Winnipeg’s Marlborough Hotel. The Marlborough is used by the federal government as a place to put up First Nations and Inuit people from remote locations who are in Winnipeg for appointments.This video circulated online prompting protests within the hotel with alleged vandalism taking place.  This incident has increased distress in the community and we join with our brothers and sisters in Winnipeg and pray: 

Lord, where there is injustice is no peace. There is no rest, there is no right relations between brothers and sisters. And there is no way to attend to the wounds that need to be healed. We pray for your presence to, in the middle of this mess, speak words of peace, healing, truth and justice in every person involved.  We pray for a resolution to this that dignifies and not diminishes the men and women you create. Help us all to create safe places for people to rest while receiving medical care. In your true and healing name.

New Research finds toxicity from Canadian Tar Sands Immensely higher than reported

Research published in Science journal has found that toxic emissions coming from Canadian tar sands is 1900% to 6300% higher than industry reported levels.  

Jesus, Son of God, Brother and Friend, we return to your prayer for truth because we need truth to be revealed about the true cost of our resource sector.  We pray for your spirit to transform how we citizens of your kingdom steward our resources and the money it gives to some of us. We pray that we have the strength to change and challenge where needed. We pray for your Spirit to guide us in stewarding this resource in a way that honors your Creating and Redeeming power.

The Canadian Government Delays the Expansion of MAID

The expansion of MAID to those who suffer solely from mental health issues has been delayed again, with the committee of MP’s and senators citing testimony from health care professionals that the system is not ready.  Psychiatrists testified that it would be impossible for a medical professional to say a mental illness is beyond treatment.

We pray for wisdom still in this matter and for community support for those suffering.

Lord of life, we pray for relief for those suffering from mental illness. We know that their suffering is unimaginable and yet we trust that you are the lord of life and know the measure of a human’s days. Help your people create communities where those suffering from mental illness can find life and support. May we not contribute to the suffering through stigma and indifference to mental illness. Open ears of the government to listen to experts and to be wise with your wisdom, in Jesus name.

Farmers in France block roads into Paris

Farmers protesting regulations that impact their ability to earn a living growing food have converged on the roads into Paris, blocking traffic with their tractors and trucks. We pray for the food system and the farmers who undergird it all:

Thank you Lord for the ones who grow our food. We pray for systems of sustainability to be what determines our food system - not the economics of profits for corporations and shareholders, but living wages for the people who grow the food in sustainable ways. We pray for food security globally. Where change in the system has to happen, may it happen justly without leaving small farmers without recourse. Lead the lawmakers into wisdom and may those who live closest to the land be heard, believed.  

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

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