Justice Prayers - November 8, 2023

New Delhi shuts down schools because of smog at 100 times the acceptable levels.
Lord We pray for the city of New Delhi. We pray for reprieve from the air that hurts and for the policy and resources to help combat the pollution. We pray for the ill and the vulnerable, the children and the elderly that you would see them through this crisis.
Christians are Killed in the Violence in the Middle East
As over 10,000 Gazans and 1,400 Israelis have been killed in Israel-Hamas war, we remember the community of Christians in Gaza. When previously during outbreraks of violence they could shelter in their churches, now their churches are being bombed and members killed..
We pray for all civilians forgotten in this war. Protect them, provide for them. We know you are with all those who are brokenhearted. We pray for turning from the way of war and turning to the prince of peace. May your spirit comfort our sisters and brothers in Gaza and may they know the truth of your peace.
Deforestation Has Bigger Impacts Than Previously Known
In a new study of the Brazilian Amazon, it has been shown that deforestation has a far greater impact on regional temperatures than previously believed. The paper, published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, demonstrated Amazon deforestation causes warming at distances up to 60 miles (100km) away. This has important implications for agriculture and policy as now it is known that drought and crop failure in the region will be exacerbated by deforestation.
Father, you know how this world works. It is by good design and ingenious creation. So we are grateful for the science to show us how it works and how we might not damage your creation further but within the bounds and gifts of nature to live well. Forgive us when we forget that the land is not ours to destroy but a gift from you for all generations.
A Prayer for our Humanity in times of Inhumanity
Lord, in the midst of all the loud voices, do not let us lose our humanity. To follow you, we must choose to humanize all our neighbors, the strangers you’ve called us to love, provide for and learn from. Help us as we read, discuss and pray to see all your created people as you do and help us to use our power, resources to serve and not to dehumanize others in word or deed. Help us to remember what marks us as your good creation in fellowship with you - love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We need your spirit to humanize us daily - we need you Lord. Amen.
Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers
Climate Conversation | Hunting Park Film SeriesJoin our regional organizers for a special Canadian conversation on our recent storytelling film series, This is Hunting Park . The impacts of environmental injustice are often felt in North American communities that can least afford to cope with the increased heat and hazardous health conditions. One such neighborhood is Hunting Park in Philadelphia. Yet in this community, the hopeful work of faith-based advocacy and community resilience is translating into real change!
On Monday, November 27th, you will have two virtual opportunities to discuss how the stories from Hunting Park can inspire you to step up in your own community for faithful climate action. The first discussion will happen at 7pm EST and the second at 7pm PST. RSVP Today!
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted ChurchThis year’s International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, marked by churches on November 5, 2023 will focus on the persecution of the church in Afghanistan.
This year, we are praying for the Afghan church using various phrases from our confessions.