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Justice Prayers - Prayers for Home April 2, 2020

April 1, 2020

Across the globe populations are being told to stay home, to isolate from their neighbors, to not travel or even go into work.   Drastic measures taken to safeguard our neighbors by creating borders between us to stop a virus that has no borders.  And as has been pointed out, these measures are a luxury for many.  Not all have anywhere to go to isolate from others. Not all have running water to repeatedly wash hands or internet connections to maintain work productivity.    In this week's Do Justice Prayers we offer up prayers for our neighbors who are far from home, and for those whose home is not safe, not adequately isolated and not equipped with resources, even soap and water, to keep this virus from spreading.  

For Refugees in Camps

Oh Lord,  

For those who have walked away from everything they knew, we ask for your mercy.

For those who are far from home, far from community and identity, we ask for your mercy.

For those who cannot wash with soap and water, we ask for your mercy.

For those who have little resources, little choice, we ask for your mercy.

Grant the community leaders in refugee camps wisdom.  

Provide and protect, we beseech you.

Flood the camps with your grace and fill each shelter with your sense of peace. 

For Refugees in Transit, Coming to Borders


For those who are walking now, surround them with your Spirit of Peace.

For those who have made camp for the night knowing they cannot go back

and they cannot go forward, we ask for you to provide rest and resources.

In their time of need, lead them to safety and kindness.   

Open doors for them, even in us, Lord.

Oh Lord,  do not forget the littlest - you said you would not forget the hairs on their heads.   

It is said you lead to still waters - do not forget them Lord.  

Do not let us forget them either.  

For Those Fleeing Violence

Mighty God, you know what violence does to a soul,

So we pray, in your name, 

For those who must leave their homes because it is too dangerous, 

those in our city and those far away, Jesus be the lamp they need.  

Light their way to safe harbor.  

Even when stores, shelters and resource centers are closed because of this virus, 

provide ways for those who have to leave home to sleep tonight.  

In all the ways you do, bring embodied aid, help, assistance to those fleeing violence.

In all the ways you do, help those who can see and help, indeed, see and help.  

Christ, restorer of souls,  restore bodies and minds even while you restore their faith in your created world and created community 

Christ, through your Spirit and your Body, say to those who flee violence, "you are precious."

For Those Being Released From Prison

Lord, you released chains of brokenness, chains of burden and chains of slavery.

After which, you made ways through deserts for those recently free to be whole in community and flourishing in their work.

So we ask, for those released from prisons because of the virus, 

whether abroad or at home

provide for their basic needs, so they can start freedom again on solid ground - Shelter, food, medicine, income.  

Bring aid to them as they have been given the task of living freely in isolated times.  

Bring friendships to inspire and comfort and support in healthy ways.  

Bring peace to those who are afraid of what all this means.  

Bring your Holy Spirit to energize and open imaginations for a future 

which has come unexpectedly in the midst of deep uncertainty.

For Those Who Are Not Able to Come Home From Abroad

God, who has made His home with us,

Be home to those who cannot be at home.   

Be with those apart from home because of this virus.

Be their peace.  Be their rest.  Be even their joy - yes joy, Almighty God, even that is not too much for you.

Meet all those far from home, as the Samaritan met the deeply unfortunate traveller.  

With provision, comfort, kindness and way through.  

Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers

Hear Us Out - Protect the Vulnerable

Our Phone2Action partner launched #HearUsOut to help you send a personalized message to elected officials at the local, state and federal levels. By going through an easy step-by-step process, you’ll be able to provide direct feedback on the COVID-19 response affecting your community. We also encourage you to consider sharing the needs of the most vulnerable at this time.  Take this action alert in the U.S.

Action Alert | Thank God's Servants for Working Together for our Good 

As a church community we choose to step away from fear and hostility and move towards love and grace at this time. We offer our prayers and respect for God’s servants who are working for our good as we encourage them to act wisely, with discernment, and in humble collaboration.  Take this action if you're in Canada!