Justice Prayers - September 13, 2023

Christ, you met him on the shore.
Guiding them to better waters,
eating fish and sharing bread -
you showed Peter and the others:
You were risen from the dead!
- Peter Said I'm Going Fishing
Morocco Earthquake Kills Thousands
Over 2500 deaths have been confirmed after an earthquake occurred in Morocco. Rescue efforts have been slow due to lack of resources. We pray for all those affected and devastated by this disaster.
We pray to you Lord, who seeks and saves the lost, to be present to those in distress and grief. The loss of home, work, community, and safety overwhelms too many so we join with the voices or Moroccans and plead for comfort and help. We pray for generosity in international help and for true resiliency in survivors. Protect the most vulnerable from harm during this time.
More Than 5,000 Dead in Lybia
More than 5,000 people were killed in Libya after torrential rains caused two dams to burst near the coastal city of Derna, destroying much of the city and carrying entire neighborhoods into the sea, local authorities said on Tuesday.
Heavenly Father, be near to those who are living this reality right now. Give strong hands and stamina to rescuers. In a country that is already struggling please give leaders a heart for their people as they begin to address the devastation.
Eritrean conflict affects diaspora around the world
The Eritrean diaspora around the world has been experiencing conflict as the political situation in Eritrea continues to be divisive. From Tel Aviv to Calgary, street conflicts between different Eritrean factions have led to violence. We pray for this community in neighborhoods around the world.
Lord, generational wounds and violence have real and long shadows. We pray for those in conflict to be moved to peace and healing. We pray for our neighbors from this region originally to find home, stability, family, faith as contributing to healing and health in the community. May your Spirit empower those disempowered by violence to end conflict and speak hope.
Netherlands sustainable tech in farming
Around the world our understanding of how agriculture will shape a sustainable future is growing. In the Netherlands, Wageningen University’s Farm of the Future project is developing new methods and technologies aimed at being able to feed a world of 10 billion people by 2050 while maintaining the biodiversity needed for life and lowering emissions to maintain sustainable, livable earth.
Lord of the harvest, we give thanks for this initiative and others like it. Spirit, continue to inspire knowledge and insight into how best to use our resources to feed this planet. Continue to lead those who can financially invest in these projects to do so. We pray for insight and wisdom to be what guides our agriculture in the future. Thank you for the ways this world works and the beauty of biodiversity that sustains us.
Becoming (part of) the Answer to our Own Prayers
Hearts ExchangedDo you want to grow in your reconciliation journey in a robust and appreciative way? Hearts Exchanged is now recruiting participants from across Canada to be join other Reformed Christians in this learning and action journey. Find out more and express your interest here.
Home Energy UpgradesJoin us for the first in a series of monthly presentations on making your home more energy efficient. For this first session. our speakers will be Lynda Lukasik, Director of the Office of Climate Change Initiatives for the City of Hamilton, who will provide an overview of Hamilton’s Climate Action Strategy and Cathrin Winkelmann, who will provide information about the ‘Better Homes Hamilton’ home energy retrofit pilot program – set to launch before the end of 2023. You will learn about an energy audit, financial assistance, adding insulation to attic and walls and other ideas to reduce your carbon footprint.
When: Monday evening at 7:30 pm, September 18
Where: Meadowlands Fellowship Church, 211 Stonehenge Dr.
Questions? Contact Henry Brouwer (hbrouwer746@gmail.com)
The event will be live-streamed at https://vimeo.com/event/385354