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November 10, 2014

1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Domestic violence transcends all stereotypes—it has the potential to affect any individual, regardless of age, religion, race, and socioeconomic status. Though this happens far too often, these voices are not heard enough. Today we enter into the conversation as we read a poem written by a victim of domestic violence. Her raw and honest words give us insight into her life in an abusive relationship. It is crucial that we listen and respond to these vulnerable voices.

If you need help and live in the United States, dial the National Domestic Violence Hotline at: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

In Canada: dial the Assaulted Women's Helpline at 1-866-863-0511. (If you are male, they will be able to refer you to other resources.)


(Copyright 2012 by Irene Fridsma, all rights reserved)


briars replace feathers

lining her nest

uncomfortable during daytime

unbearable at night


bedroom sanctuary contaminated

with words and acts

against her consent


here spirit crushed

stifled tears shed

here prayers lifted


friends and family

bring offerings of

shoulds and dont’s

construct for her a pseudo safety-net

laced together by judgment and criticism


breathe in — take a shower

exhale — comb hair


breathe again

movements deliberate

a movie in slow motion

with moments of fast forward

the audio stuck on mute


one minute at a time

monotony’s security

propels her forward


feed children

launder clothes

clean nest


mommy script: rehearsed and performed

friend script: edited and implemented

wife script: mandatory rewrite


her nest of briers


casting her out

into the universe