Pro-Life series: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

As I was sitting in a women’s sharing circle, I paused and took a moment to look at each women in the circle. I found myself overwhelmed with the thought of how much I needed these women, my sisters—First Nations, Metis, and Inuit women. As a human being, I am rediscovering my need for human relationship and connection. And as a Cree woman, I am rediscovering the strength of the Indigenous woman and her story. Her existence is a gift. Her life is a gift. Her story is a gift. Her nationhood is a gift. She is a gift, as an Indigenous woman, from Creator.
When she sings her traditional songs, she sings her medicine for herself and community. When she dances; she dances her prayers for the people. When she teaches the ancient knowledge, she passes on wisdom to live life better. When she shares her story, she inspires others to find their way home. When she walks, she manifests the love of Creator.
She is a life giver. She brings human life into this world. She also brings life into community with her words, her actions, and her existence.
When almost 1200 of our life givers, healers, mothers, protectors, and sisters go missing or are murdered, it leaves an emptiness. Our circle is broken. Our hearts are broken.
Her existence and her life are no longer part of the circle. Her story and her voice are no longer heard. Her song no longer brings healing. Her prayers are no longer danced. Her wisdom never shared. Creator’s gift, which is found in her, is no longer.
To me, being pro-life means lamenting the disproportionate number of Indigenous women who are missing and murdered. It means acknowledging that their sacred gift to our circle is deeply missed. Being pro-life means honoring the sacredness of the Indigenous woman and seeking justice for her stark reality: Indigenous women are four times more likely to be murdered than non-Indigenous women in Canada.
We have an opportunity to stand with her and for her. For life.
This is the 14th post in our "What Being Pro-Life Means to Me" series! What does being pro-life mean to you? Over this fall, we'll hear various writers respond to that question. Learn more and subscribe for weekly email updates.
[Image: Melissa Blunden]