Israel-Palestine: The View From Here

When it comes to the conflict in Israel-Palestine, opinions are many but facts are often thin. When we’re working with different facts, real conversation about the conflict and real contributions to positive change become difficult.
We’ve brought together various people with experience in Israel-Palestine—a New Testament professor, a Messianic Jewish woman, a nonprofit director working for peace in the Middle East, and several CRC members and pastors who have travelled recently to the Middle East—to share their views on these questions so that we may find hopeful ways of engaging together.
-History in the Making: The Tearing Apart of Jerusalem - Mae Elise Cannon, Churches for Middle East Peace
-Is Jesus a Zionist? - Gary Burge, Visiting Professor of New Testament Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary
-Religious Israel? - Lisa Loden, Messianic Jewish leader
-I Didn't Know - Freida C. Watson, member of delegation to Israel-Palestine
-Home - Martin Vegt, Christian Peacemaker Teams delegation member
-Shifting Views on Israel-Palestine - Bill Thornburg, Bill Vanden Bosch, Shannon Jammal-Hollemans
[Image: Flickr user Or Hiltch, under Creative Commons license]