Justice and Our Reformed Confessions

Doing justice is an integral part of how Reformed churches understand the call of the Gospel. We’re marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this month by listening carefully to our Reformed confessions. What does the call to do justice sound like in the Belgic Confession? What does the Heidelberg Catchesim’s treatment of the Ten Commandments teach us about what it looks like to love our neighbors? What do the Canons of Dort have to do with “the widow, the stranger, and the orphan?”
Series Posts:
-Justice for the Poor in the Heidelberg Catechism: The Eighth Commandment - Matthew Tuininga, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary
-The Canons of Dort: No Line Between 'Deserving' and 'Undeserving' - Suzanne McDonald, Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Western Theological Seminary
-The Belgic Confession: Speaking from the Heart - Shannon Jammal-Hollemans, Racial Justice Team Leader at the CRC Offices of Social Justice & Race Relations
-The Heidelberg Catechism: Keeping Sabbath by Making Sabbath - Chris Schoon, Lead Pastor at First Hamilton CRC
-The Sanctity of Life in the Heidelberg Catechism: The Sixth Commandment - Matthew Tuininga, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary
-Remembering the Priesthood of all Believers - Darren Roorda, Canadian Ministries Director, CRCNA