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Justice & Mission: Good News for All

As Christians, we are called to gospel-shaped mission, but that looks much different today than in the past. This is due to a changing global society, to advances in communication tools and travel, and to the very important listening to local and global neighbours about dismantling harmful ways that mission has been done in the past. 

At Synod 2023 delegates discussed addressing ministry decline and what it would look like for the CRC to live into mission in a new way. So as we seek to grow in the area together as a church how can we consider the intersection of justice and the great commission? How are mercy and justice part of God’s big mission for his church?  In this Do Justice series writers will help us to consider this topic from the places they live out God’s mission.  

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Justice & Mission: Good News for All - Zachary King  Reflections on 100 Years of Mission Work in Nigeria - Joyce Suh  Don't Add Another Brick - Barbara Pennings  Intersecting Benevolence and Justice: Looking Beyond Needs -  Karla Winham  The Person in Front of Me - Shawn Sikkema