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Power Over/Power With

We all have some power. Power to act, to choose, to alter our world and affect others, is part of being image-bearers of God.

Yet power can so easily become corrupt and be used to marginalize, manipulate, or control others. When we are unaware of or not careful with the power we hold, we can cause deep harm.

Jesus’ way of wielding power looks different from our own sin-corrupted ways of using our power.

“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you….The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…”

(Matthew 20:25, 26a, 28)

In this five-part series, we will consider what the Bible says about power and how we might better follow Jesus’ way of self-emptying power (Philippians 2).

This series is a partnership between the CRC's Safe Church Ministry and the Office of Social Justice. 


Series posts: 

-Eric Kas - A Theological Look at Power: From Cover-up Families to Cities of Self Interest

-Miriam Spies - You May Have More Power than You Think

-Mary Li Ma - Power Structures in the Church

-Viviana Cornejo - The Power of the Body of Christ against Misuse of Power

-Bonnie Nicholas - Why is Sharing about Sexual Abuse So Hard?