Seeing Beyond the Immigration Rhetoric

Opinions tend to run high about the issues of immigration and refugee resettlement, but often our shared set of facts runs low.
But immigration isn't just a political battleground or a Facebook debate. Decisions about border security, refugee resettlement targets, detention, DACA, ICE...all these decisions affect our friends, our neighbors, our fellow Christians.
Facts matter because immigrants matter. They (we!) matter to God.
So what's actually happening and how is the Church responding to it? We'll hear from immigrants and people working with immigrants from across the U.S. to get some answers.
Series posts:- Let’s Stop Accepting These 5 Lies
- Seeking Justice at the U.S. Southern Border: The Need for Both Relief and Reform
- The Politics of Jumpy Castles
- God's Love is not limited by Legal Status
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[Images: Michael Mims on Unsplash, Erik Lucatero on Unsplash, Allef Vinicius (ig: @seteales) on Unsplash, Nathan Cowley from Pexels, Jessica Felicio on Unsplash]