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Speaking Up for a Faithful Budget

The U.S. federal budget is a reflection of our nation's values. As followers of Christ, we have an opportunity to use the power of advocacy to call for a faithful budget – one that protects and defends the vulnerable. 

The proposed U.S. federal budget for 2018 fiscal year is alarming -- including dramatic cuts to programs that support people who are poor both domestically and abroad. It impacts abortion, creation care, mass incarceration, immigration, hunger, refugees, and many more issues that shape the ministries and mission of the Christian Reformed Church.

In this series we will hear directly from people in the pews, church leaders, ministry leaders, and community leaders about how they and the people they serve would be affected by the proposed budget. And we'll be invited to advocate for a faithful budget.

Will you join us?



Series Posts:  Fight Climate Change with a Faithful Budget Continue Welcoming Refugees with a Faithful Budget Ending Global Poverty and Hunger with a Faithful Budget Welcome the Stranger with a Faithful Budget Loving Our Neighbors in Poverty with a Faithful Budget A Faithful Budget Will Seek to End the Practice of Abortion Blessed Are the Peacemakers - Religious Persecution