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What I Would Change about our Immigration Conversation

φιλονεξια, φιλονεξιας, ἡ : love to strangers, hospitality: Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2. (philoxenia)

So much of the conversation about immigration during this election season has not been based on facts or on the biblical value of philoxenia. There has been much talk about immigrants—and not enough listening to immigrants themselves.

How does the immigration conversation need to change? Four immigrants will speak up from their experience this month.

Let’s change the conversation about immigrants. #BlessingNotBurden




  Read them all:

Diversity is Our Greatest Strength: Sarahi 

Immigrants come with Skills, Drives, and Passion: Berniz

Our Immigration System is Broken, But We Can Fix It: Reuben

Where We Begin Matters: Theresa