Living the Call is a newsletter produced by the Christian Reformed Church in North America. This newsletter, formerly called the Quarterly Ministry Report, gives a brief overview of the work of the Christian Reformed Church.
Each year five issues are produced—one on each of the five callings of the CRC: Faith Formation, Servant Leadership, Global Mission, Mercy and Justice, and Gospel Proclamation and Worship.
Recent Issues
Living the Call - Servant Leadership
Understanding that the lifelong equipping of leaders is essential for churches and ministries to flourish, we identify, recruit and train leaders to be servants in the Kingdom of God.
Living the Call - Faith Formation
As a community of believers, we seek to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to nurture their faith through all ages and stages of life.
Living the Call - Gospel Proclamation and Worship
Believing that faith comes through the hearing of God’s Word, we proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ and seek to worship him in all that we do.
Living the Call - Mercy and Justice
Hearing the cries of the oppressed, forsaken and disadvantaged, we seek to act justly and love mercy as we walk humbly with our God.
Living the Call - Global Mission
Called to be witnesses of Christ’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth, we start and strengthen local churches in North America and around the world.