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For over a half a century the Christian Reformed Church has worked with and ministered among refugees. Read stories of CRC congregations and members welcoming, helping to resettle, and being blessed by refugees in our Welcoming Refugees project here

We remember that just like the child Jesus and his parents, millions of men, women and children around the world must flee because of violence, racial tension, religious bigotry and natural disasters. And we remember that God has much to say about welcoming in the stranger.

With this understanding, we engage in the hands-on work of resettling and befriending refugees in Canada and United States, but we also know that we must speak up alongside refugees to work for just policies.

To sponsor a refugee family in Canada, connect with World Renew. To get involved in the U.S. connect with our partner Bethany Christian Services.


Join The Welcome Corps

Welcome Corps is a Public-Private Sponsorship Program that allows individuals and groups to sponsor and resettle refugees-without the support or financial assistance of Resettlement Agencies.

Advocate for Refugee Resettlement

It is important for our elected leaders to recognize and uphold refugee resettlement as a crucial response to those fleeing violence and persecution. Urge your elected officials to support just and welcoming refugee resettlement policies.


Journey with Me

This toolkit will help you work for justice with your refugee neighbours.

Celebrate World Refugee Day

Check out resources and ideas in the World Refugee Day Toolkit.

Frequently Asked Questions about Asylum Seekers

Learn more about asylum seekers.


Peace in a Time of Fear

Many refugees coming to North America from the Middle East are Muslims. Focused particularly on addressing anti-Muslim sentiment, this litany and prayer remind us of what it means to love our neighbors.

Advent Activities for the Refugee Crisis

Many of these Advent ideas for action and worship are appropriate all year round. These resources help us to worship not only with songs and litanies but also with our time and finances.

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