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Who Is Our Church?

Naming the Present - Activity (PDF)

An activity, with some table-group work, some teaching, and some plenary-group work that allows a congregation to consider, “Who are we, really?”

Time needed for activity

about 2 hours

Group size

any number of current members and regular visitors

Steps for Activity*

  1. Engage in Bible study and worship—likely from 1 Corinthians 12. (20 minutes)
  2. Hand out copies of the worksheet (see below), which outlines a series of questions designed to help imagine a congregation as an individual person. Review the process. (10 minutes)
  3. Table groups work through worksheet. (20-30 minutes)
  4. Report table groups’ work to the whole group. Key elements documented and posted. (30-45 minutes)
  5. Create and refine composite image. (20-30 minutes)

* This activity is taken directly from Who Is Our Church? by Janet Cawley (pp. 155ff.). Permission sought.


Imagine your church as a person. What would be their

  1. Gender?
  2. Age?
  3. General appearance and style?
  4. What does he/she do: occupation, lifestyle, hobbies?
  5. State of health and fitness?
  6. Life setting of this person? (recent events, new challenges, opportunities?)
  7. Favorite TV show and radio station?
  8. Breakfast food?

** From page 157 of Who Is Our Church? 

Facilitator’s Questions

After the activity, allow time for discussion around some questions like these:

  1. How might this winsome activity intersect with what you’re learning from George Bullard’s The Life Cycle and Stages of Congregational Development? (Review Current Realities is an activity related to this point. You must complete this activity in order to engage in this question.) 
  2. How might your composite “person” affect your consideration of necessary or desired programming, conversations, and capacities?