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Churches in Communion

The Christian Reformed Church in North America has close relationships with a number of Reformed denominations through a variety of designated categories. The denominations that are especially close to the CRC are designated as “churches in communion.” Churches that are so designated may be engaged in joint ventures with the CRC and/or its agencies, exchange delegates at synod, welcome each other’s members at the Lord’s Supper and each other’s pastors into the pulpit, and generally encourage each other in ministry and faithfulness. The churches in communion with the CRCNA are:



  • Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria (CRCN)
  • Reformed Church of Christ for Nations (RCCN)
  • Universal Reformed Christian Church (NKST)

South Africa

  • Dutch Reformed Church in Africa
  • Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa (NGKA)
  • Reformed Church in Africa (RCA)
  • Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA)
  • Reformed Churches in South Africa (Soutpansberg Synod) (RCSA-SP)
  • Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA)

Asia and Australia


  • Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


  • Christian Church of Sumba (CCS)


  • Reformed Church in Japan (RCJ)


  • Christian Reformed Church of Myanmar (CRCM)

The Philippines

  • Christian Reformed Church in the Philippines (CRCP)

Sri Lanka

  • Christian Reformed Church of Sri Lanka

Europe and Middle-East


  • Evangelical Presbyterian Church - Synod of the Nile

The Netherlands

  • Netherlands Reformed Churches (NGK)
  • *Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PCN) (Memo of Understanding)

Latin America


  • Christian Reformed Church in Cuba (CRCC)

North America

United States

  • Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)
  • Reformed Church in America (RCA)
  • Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO)

South America


  • Reformed Church in Argentina (RCA)


  • Evangelical Reformed Church in Brazil (ERCB)

Churches in Cooperation

This classification recognizes all the other varied bilateral relationships the CRC has with Christian churches. Some of these relationships have originated through correspondence around mutual interests, others from historic ties, and still others through mutual ministry, whether by way of ecclesiastical connection, the work of CRC agencies, or a specific MOU.

North America


Dominican Republic

  • Christian Reformed Church in the Dominican Republic


  • Christian Reformed Church of Haiti (CRCH)

United States

  • Kingdom Network, USA
  • The Alliance of Reformed Churches



  • Presbyterian Church of India—Mizoram Synod



  • Evangelical Reformed Church of Burundi (ERCB)


  • United Reformed Church in Congo


  • Presbyterian Church of Ethiopia
  • Kale Heywet Church


  • Reformed Church of East Africa (RCEA)


  • Christian Reformed Church of Liberia


  • Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (CJCM)


  • Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (Nkhoma Synod) (CCAP)

Sierra Leone

  • Christian Reformed Church in Sierra Leone

South Sudan

  • Sudanese Reformed Church


  • Christian Reformed Church in Eastern Africa (CRCEA)
  • Pentecostal Assemblies of God


  • Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ)

Ecumenical Organizations

The Christian Reformed Church in North America belongs to a number of ecumenical (multilateral) organizations. Ecumenical organizations are bodies which include a number of Christian denominations or ministries. The purpose of such participation is to better carry out the CRC’s ecumenical responsibilities broadly, effectively, and efficiently. Some are worldwide, and others are specific to Canada or the United States.

Worldwide Ecumenical Organizations

Global Christian Forum

Like the Christian Churches Together (CCT) development in the United States, the Global Christian Forum is a broad gathering of Christian Churches representing all of the branches of the Christian Church worldwide.

World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)

The WCRC was formed in 2010 by the uniting of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) and the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC), and represents more than 80 million Reformed Christians worldwide. The offices of the WCRC are in Geneva, Switzerland but will be moved to Hanover, Germany within the foreseeable future.

World Reformed Fellowship

World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) is a gathering of denominations (71), organizations, congregations, and individuals from seventy-nine countries around the globe. World Reformed Fellowship seeks to provide understanding, cooperation, and sharing of resources among these many evangelical and Reformed Christian members in order to advance the gospel.

Caribbean and North America Area Council (CANAAC)

The Caribbean and North American Area Council (CANAAC) is the regional expression of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in the Caribbean, USA, and Canada, with over 20 member denominations.

Canadian Ecumenical Organizations

Canadian Council of Churches (CCC)

The Canadian Council of Churches is the largest ecumenical body in Canada, now representing 23 churches of Anglican, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic traditions. The CCC is one of the few ecumenical bodies in the world that includes such a range of Christian churches. The officers and staff of the Council are drawn from the whole diversity of traditions represented by the member churches.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC)

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) is the national association of evangelical Christians in Canada. It gathers Christians together to dialogue, to equip and to partner for greater effectiveness in ministry and public witness. Since 1964 the EFC has provided a national forum for evangelicals and a constructive voice for biblical principles in life and society. The EFC affiliates include evangelical congregations, denominations, educational institutions and ministry organizations. The EFC also has more than 15,000 supporting individuals.

United States Ecumenical Organizations

National Association of Evangelicals (NAE)

The mission of the National Association of Evangelicals is to extend the kingdom of God through a fellowship of member denominations, churches, organizations, and individuals, demonstrating the unity of the body of Christ by standing for biblical truth, speaking with a representative voice, and serving the evangelical community through united action, cooperative ministry, and strategic planning.

Christian Churches Together (CCT)

Christian Churches Together in the USA (CCT) is a relatively recent (2004) forum growing out of a deeply felt need to broaden and expand fellowship, unity, and witness among the diverse expressions of Christian faith today. CCT is inclusive of the diversity of Christian families in the United States — Evangelical/Pentecostal, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, historic Protestant and Racial and Ethnic churches.