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Prayer is a powerful tool that God has given us. We can use it to further our relationship with God, discern his will for the future, present our petitions, lament and confess our transgressions, and praise him for all that he does for us. 

The CRCNA has several resources to help you in your prayer life, the ministries of the CRCNA also covet your prayers in support of ongoing work. 

Join others in praying for synod each year. There is a 40 days of prayer guide in the lead up to synod, as well as opportunities to pray during the event itself. 

The CRC Prayer Guide offers another way to pray for our shared ministry as a denomination, with specific prayer requests for each day of the year. View these prayer requests below, download printer-friendly versions, or get them delivered to your email inbox (choose to receive them daily, weekly, or once a month).

You may also be interested in the prayer section of The Network and the CRC News weekly email.

August 2024: Regular SizeLarge Print
July 2024: Regular SizeLarge Print


Monday July 1
from: CRC Communications: Canada Day

As Canada marks another year, give thanks for this country that has provided home and hospitality to many. Pray for God’s guidance for Canada’s leaders and all other citizens in navigating the challenging times we face today.

Tuesday July 2
from: Resonate Global Mission: Uganda

Give thanks for Kang Heo, a student at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Mich., who volunteered with Resonate in Uganda. He helped to lead Timothy Leadership Training with women in a rural village. Pray that the training will bear much fruit.

Wednesday July 3
from: World Renew: Disaster Response Services (DRS)

Several deadly tornadoes hit the U.S. Midwest over the past few months, causing widespread, catastrophic damage. Disaster Response Services is assessing needs and developing a long-term response. Please pray for families affected by these storms, and thank God for faithful volunteers who step up from across North America to help rebuild.

Thursday July 4
from: CRC Communications: Independence Day

As the United States celebrates its nationhood, let us thank God for his faithfulness and pray that he will guide the decisions made by people and leaders at all levels, especially as the country prepares for an election this coming fall.

Friday July 5
from: Resonate: Japan

"Pray that Christians and churches here will be welcoming and share the gospel in ways that are easy to understand,” ask Ken and Jeannie Lee, Resonate missionaries in Japan. Less than one percent of Japan’s population identifies as Christian.

Saturday July 6
from: Thrive: Seafarer ministry centres

Our Seafarer chaplains serve in coastal areas and minister exclusively to the crews of merchant ships and cruise vessels. Often these crew members are from distressed areas of the world, live in cramped quarters, and work long hours. A kind word, a listening ear, or some help in finding medical care can create an opportunity for discussion about God’s love and grace. Pray for the gospel-filled connections that these chaplains make each day.

Sunday July 7
from: ReFrame Ministries: Ukraine

Pray for Pastor Andre, who partners with ReFrame in Ukraine. Often our Russian ministry partners in Pastor Andre’s area connect their followers with Andre and his church. Pray that he and other church members may be able to meet the needs of people who connect with them during the ongoing war.

Monday July 8
from: Resonate: Haiti

Give thanks for God’s work through Haiti’s IMPACT clubs for youth. Despite the many challenges Haiti faces today, 23 of 30 clubs are still able to meet. “These children do not have any other form of entertainment or places to have fun, and it has been a stressful situation for both them and their parents,” said Sattoya Metelus, the IMPACT clubs leader.

Tuesday July 9
from: World Renew: Southern Africa

After a dryer than normal rainy season this year, regions across southern Africa are experiencing drought. The risks of hunger and malnutrition are especially high in Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. Pray for the Lord’s provision, asking that emergency assistance efforts may be helpful and that conservation agriculture methods may be effective.

Wednesday July 10
from: Thrive: Safer churches

Praise God for 30 years of abuse prevention and response in the CRCNA!

Thursday July 11
from: Resonate: East Asia

A missionary serving in a country in East Asia asks for prayer for a woman who wants to learn more about Jesus. She’s been attending worship at the missionary’s church and recently attended a six-week course introducing the gospel. Please pray that God continues to draw this woman into relationship with him!

Friday July 12
from: Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee: Creation

Our Creator Father, we praise you for who you are, all you have done for us, and all that you continue to do. Your beauty in creation is awesome. We praise you for your amazing creativity in nature, and we sing your praises in unity with our brothers and sisters around the world. All glory be to you. Amen.

Saturday July 13
from: ReFrame: Japan

A woman named Nanaho responded to our Japanese audio program online after hearing about the challenges of living out one’s faith despite having family members who are nonbelievers. Pray for Nanaho and many others who want to share their faith with their loved ones.

Sunday July 14
from: Resonate: North Carolina

Pray for Higher Calling CRC, a Resonate partner church plant in North Carolina that is seeking to meet the needs of their community. Pray especially for their tutoring and mentorship programs for children living in the surrounding neighborhood.

Monday July 15
from: Thrive: Lasting peace in the Middle East

God of peace, who loves us and all the people of Israel and Palestine, the powerless and the powerful alike, we cry out to you. Bring your salvation near to us, O Lord. We pray for an end to hostage taking and killings. We pray for an end to vengeance, terror, and threats. Amen.

Tuesday July 16
from: World Renew: Peacebuilding

In many areas where we work, tensions between neighboring communities run high. When resources are limited, it can be difficult for some neighbors to live in peace. World Renew facilitates activities and conversations that help to break down walls and build up trust, and relationships are transformed by God’s grace. Pray for God’s blessings in this challenging work.

Wednesday July 17
from: ReFrame: Today devotions

Pray for Drew, a Today reader who recently asked for prayers for sobriety. Ask God to grant him the strength and courage to become sober and to overcome his struggles with drinking and drugs. Pray that he’ll find the support he needs and be able to restore his relationships with family members.

Thursday July 18
from: GEMS Girls' Clubs: Sisterhood Summit

Our Sisterhood Summit takes place in Chicagoland July 18-20. Please pray that the GEMS Girls’ Club leaders who attend will be renewed, encouraged, and equipped to reach even more girls with the hope of the gospel. Pray for safe travels and for the GEMS staff planning the event, that God may be glorified in all that takes place.

Friday July 19
from: Resonate: Colorado

New Gate Church, a Resonate partner church plant, grew from the English-language ministry of a Korean congregation. Give thanks for the ways God is working in and through this new church as they continue to raise up volunteers and leaders.

Saturday July 20
from: Intercultural Ministry: Community

Intercultural Ministry in Canada seeks to help the church foster a community in which all share their gifts and experience belonging. Pray that this ministry may bear fruit in the CRC. Pray for members of a multicultural church cohort specifically being coached to continue their growth in this area.

Sunday July 21
from: Calvin Theological Seminary: International students

Over 40 percent of our students are international students. Pray for travel plans, border crossings, and transitions—especially for new students. Pray for plans being made this summer to welcome all students again in the fall.

Monday July 22
from: ReFrame: Spanish ministry

ReFrame’s Spanish ministry partners ask you to pray for the political situation in Mexico. With recent political violence and a deteriorating relationship between Mexico and Ecuador, ReFrame’s partners are experiencing some interruptions in their ministry activities.

Tuesday July 23
from: Thrive: Gratitude

Just one year ago nine congregational ministries merged into Thrive. We thank God for a full year of ministry equipping and encouraging congregations!

Wednesday July 24
from: Resonate: Spain

It can be difficult to find a new job, especially for people who are refugees in their new country. Many of them often end up working jobs that they are overqualified for. Resonate missionaries Gary and Rachel De Leon in Spain are working on developing a job placement program to help newcomers find jobs that honor their skills, experience, and needs.

Thursday July 25
from: The King's University: Developments

With lots to be excited about, we have several programs in the process of being developed and approved. And, thanks to a generous donation, we have begun building a Centre for Excellence in the Sciences. Join us in praying for the new programs, for safety amid construction, and for excitement as we look ahead to what God will do in and through The King’s University.

Friday July 26
from: World Renew: Church partnerships

Praise God for churches across the U.S. and Canada that are participating in church-to-church partnerships with counterparts in Latin America and Africa. Ask the Lord to use these relationships to build his kingdom in practical ways.

Saturday July 27
from: Resonate: El Salvador

Seeds of New Creation, a Resonate partner in El Salvador, is working to promote food security and good nutrition among families who don’t always have enough to eat. Please pray for this work!

Sunday July 28
from: ReFrame: Arabic ministry

ReFrame’s Arabic ministry partners are working on a program to guide the children of pastors and support them psychologically and emotionally. Pray that these new media programs will ultimately reach pastors and their children who may be hurting.

Monday July 29
from: Thrive: Fellowship

Please pray for a spirit of love, understanding, and collaboration among members within your own congregation. Pray for hearts that bear faithfulness, patience, kindness, and other fruits of the Spirit.

Tuesday July 30
from: Resonate: Ontario

Pray for the young adults who are serving with the SOCO Beach Project, a Resonate partner in Ontario. These young adults are diving into spiritual formation and living in intentional community. Ask God to work in and through these young adults this summer.

Wednesday July 31
from: World Renew: Asia

Heat waves in recent months brought devastation to families in southern Asia. Pray for families who are vulnerable to food insecurity, especially those who may have lost crops or experienced health problems due to extreme weather. Pray for generous support for those who’ve been affected by hardships and for God’s justice and mercy to effect change and bring hope.

Thursday August 1
from: Thrive: Chaplains

In Veterans Administration hospitals, chaplains serve veterans who not only have obvious physical injuries but may also have less obvious cognitive, emotional, spiritual, or moral injuries. Pray for our chaplains as they provide pastoral care, and pray that our local churches may find ways to enfold veterans into their communities.

Friday August 2
from: ReFrame Ministries: Russian ministry

Our Russian ministry team recently established a phone and internet chat hotline for internally displaced people in Ukraine. Pray for Angelina, whose husband is on the front lines of the war. “His psychological condition isn’t good,” Angelina said. “His calls have become aggressive, jealous, and filled with insults.”

Saturday August 3
from: Resonate Global Mission: Ministry partners

Give thanks for all of the ways God’s light is shining through Resonate missionaries, church plants, campus ministries, and other ministry partners. Many of these ministries serve on the margins of the denomination and its communities. That’s where Resonate is seeing a lot of growth—people are finding belonging and care in faith communities, learning about the gospel, and deciding to follow Jesus.

Sunday August 4
from: World Renew: Iowa

Heavy rain and flooding damaged around 2,000 properties in northwestern Iowa in June. Pray for all who have been affected by the devastation, and praise God for Disaster Response Services volunteers who are already assisting with clean-up efforts. May God continue to provide for residents living in temporary shelters while their homes are restored.

Monday August 5
from: Communications: Preparations

As summer rolls on, many ministry leaders are planning for a new ministry year: gathering resources, connecting with volunteers and supporters, and making schedules. Pray for pastors, chaplains, Sunday school and other church education leaders, outreach workers, committee members, and others involved in ministries as they gear up for a new season.

Tuesday August 6
from: Resonate: Education and training

“Thank God for opportunities to share Christ through education,” shared Mwikali Wambua, a Resonate missionary in Kenya who facilitates and leads Educational Care training throughout eastern and southern Africa. Please pray for financial support for Mwikali’s ministry, asking also that educators, schools, children, and families may experience kingdom transformation through these training sessions.

Wednesday August 7
from: ReFrame: Today devotions

Praise God for Simona, a Today reader who shared, “When my mother passed away, I was angry at God. Then I slowly gave up on life, but God saved me. God never gave up on me, and today I am clean and sober.”

Thursday August 8
from: World Renew: Global food crisis

Over the past several years, progress made toward food security in many countries has been blocked by conflict, drought, and various results of the COVID-19 pandemic. World Renew works to alleviate hunger through food distribution and food security programs. Ask God to intervene in all situations of chronic hunger.

Friday August 9
from: Resonate: Campus ministries

Resonate partner campus ministries throughout Canada and the United States are beginning to welcome students back to campus for the fall semester. Brian Bork, Resonate’s campus ministry leader, asks you to pray for “energy and wisdom toward peacemaking on campuses where political and ideological polarization is particularly intense.”

Saturday August 10
from: Thrive: Safe Church coordinators

Safe Church coordinators assist CRC classes in establishing teams to educate, prevent, and respond to situations of abuse with compassion and justice, providing opportunities for the transforming power of God’s love to be revealed in our midst. Please pray for each coordinator serving in this role within their classis.

Sunday August 11
from: ReFrame: Nepal

Pray for Kabi, who follows ReFrame’s online programs from Nepal. "Pray for my daughter Deepika,” Kabi shared. “She has had trouble breathing from her right nostril since she was young. The doctors have no answer but have given her nose drops; please pray for healing and clarity.”

Monday August 12
from: Resonate: Japan

“Please remember these two churches: Chichibu Church and Hikarigaoka Christ Church. Pray for their commitment to love each other as Jesus commanded,” ask Jeong and Misook Gho, Resonate missionaries who serve in Japan.

Tuesday August 13
from: Calvin Theological Seminary: New academic year

The seminary is gearing up for a new school year, both online and residential. Orientation, travel, moving, and readiness for courses are ongoing. Pray for these transitions as we begin the new school year together.

Wednesday August 14
from: World Renew: Latin America

World Renew’s Latin America Ministry Team countries are in the midst of “hurricane season,” and forecasts indicate that this may be a tough year. Pray for enough but not too much rain so that farmers will have successful crops. Pray also for programs in Indigenous communities throughout Latin America, that local groups may be resourced to build hope for the future in all seasons.

Thursday August 15
from: ReFrame: Japan

Pray for Yoshika, who accesses our online Japanese devotions every morning. She recently shared, “My home church is far from my house, and I prioritize work and other things, so I have not been able to attend church services very often. I feel spiritually thirsty every day, but I would like to receive spiritual nourishment.”

Friday August 16
from: Thrive: Leaders and volunteers

Please pray for wisdom, discernment, and strength for pastors, leaders, and volunteers in congregations across the U.S. and Canada.

Saturday August 17
from: Resonate: Detroit

Word Encounter Church, a Resonate church plant partner in Detroit, Michigan, is hosting Jazz on the Grass today. This yearly event provides an opportunity for the church to engage with the local community and connect with people. Please pray that the community may experience the love of Christ through this event.

Sunday August 18
from: Communications: Annual Day of Justice

Today is the CRC’s Annual Day of Justice. Pray for churches as they reflect on how to meet the needs of people in their communities and “do away with the yoke of oppression.” Pray that the CRC’s Faith Practices Project may be a blessing to churches as they seek to engage in doing justice.

Monday August 19
from: World Renew: Peace and stability

We pray for peace in Kenya, where recent decisions on taxes led to escalated protests. May God bring comfort to the families of persons who were killed or injured. Pray for stability in other tumultuous regions, including some where entire villages have been displaced by extremist groups.

Tuesday August 20
from: Resonate: Middle East

A Resonate missionary serving in the Middle East asks for prayer for the member care center she is leading, as it provides pastoral care for missionaries on the field. Pray that missionaries find encouragement through this ministry so that they can continue their work of sharing Christ’s love.

Wednesday August 21
from: ReFrame: India

Our Hindi ministry partners recently published a new book about Daniel. Pray that this book may touch many lives, bringing biblical truth and inspiration to the people who read it. Ask God to bless the efforts of our Hindi ministry team as they continue to serve him through Christian literature and other media.

Thursday August 22
from: Thrive: Disability Advocates

Disability Advocates serve congregations by advocating with and for people with disabilities and working to address barriers to full inclusion. Please pray for the advocates in your local congregation.

Friday August 23
from: Resonate: Cohort Europe

Volunteers serving with Resonate’s Cohort Europe are arriving on the field this month in Lithuania, Hungary, and Germany. Cohort is an opportunity for young adults to live in community, serve in a grassroots ministry, and engage in deep spiritual formation. Ask God to work powerfully in and through these young adults during this experience.

Saturday August 24
from: World Renew: Southern Africa

Across Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia, regions continue to be in crisis with the prospect of continued worsening food insecurity. Pray for the Lord’s provision, for emergency assistance efforts to be helpful, and for conservation agriculture methods to be effective.

Sunday August 25
from: Indigenous Family Centre: Summer

Thank you for the support we receive from the CRCNA. Please pray for the safety, health, and well-being of our community members during the hot summer months.

Monday August 26
from: ReFrame: Burkina Faso

Wendinda is a faithful listener to our French radio program in Kaya, Burkina Faso. She gives thanks to God for healing her home by freeing her husband from gambling and narcotics. She also thanks God for enabling her to open a hairdressing salon and to sell beauty products.

Tuesday August 27
from: Thrive: Children and youth ministry

Pray for children's ministry and youth ministry staff and volunteers in our churches as they prepare to return soon to fall-season programming.

Wednesday August 28
from: Resonate: Nicaragua

Many Resonate missionaries serve with the Nicaragua Christian Academy. “Praise God that this school continues to serve and impact the lives of many Nicaraguan, international, and missionary students and their families,” said missionaries Jessica and Liam Starkenburg.

Thursday August 29
from: World Renew: Sustainable solutions

The World Renew team is passionate about meeting the deepest concerns of this world with the creativity and sustainability that only the great Creator and Sustainer can provide. Praise God for the exciting ways in which long-term solutions address issues of food insecurity and injustice. Pray for continued support for projects from tree planting to refugee resettlement that offer lasting solutions.

Friday August 30
from: Calvinist Cadet Corps: New season

The theme of our upcoming Cadet season, based on 1 Timothy 4:12, is "Lead the Way." We pray that this theme will challenge cadets and their counselors to be leaders in their clubs, churches, and communities. We pray that the boys and men of Cadets will "Lead the Way" as they live for Jesus.

Saturday August 31
from: Diaconal Ministries Canada: Benevolence

Deacons often find themselves on a treadmill of providing short-term financial help that doesn't seem to really change lives. Please pray for our new diaconal coach-at-large, Anja, who offers a Financial Life Coaching program—a more sustainable solution to enhance the benevolent work of deacons. Lives are being changed, and financial stories are being rewritten—praise God!