Acts of Synod 2022 Available

The Acts of Synod 2022 is now available on the Synod Resources page of the Christian Reformed Church in North America website.
This resource contains both the supplemental reports to Synod 2022 and the minutes of synod's actions. A special summary letter to CRC councils is also available, highlighting important synodical actions that the office of general secretary wants to call to the attention of congregations throughout the CRC.
The print version of the Acts will be mailed to churches in the fall.
“We are extremely grateful to the servants of the church who gathered for the meetings and deliberations of Synod 2022,” said Dee Recker, director of Synodical Services. “This was an especially challenging year with three years’ worth of agenda materials and some very weighty matters. We are grateful for the leadership that delegates and advisers provided and for the incredible amount of work accomplished!”