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Acts of Synod 2024 Available

August 14, 2024
Cover of Acts of Synod 2024

The Acts of Synod 2024 is now available on the Synod Resources page of the Christian Reformed Church in North America website (

This resource contains the supplemental reports to Synod 2024, including overtures and a list of appeals, the minutes of synod’s actions, and an updated financial report. The Office of General Secretary has also published an FAQ document to provide further clarity on some of synod’s decisions.

“As Reformed Christians, we acknowledge God’s sovereignty over all things, especially the governance of his church,” said Zach King, general secretary of the CRCNA. “Though the Agenda for Synod 2024 was full of weighty and challenging matters, our delegates, advisers, and guests experienced the grace and guidance of the Spirit in their conversations and deliberations. The Acts of Synod 2024 provides a witness to this reality. With thanks to all involved, we offer this record of synod’s deliberation to the CRCNA congregations.” 

The print version of the Acts will be mailed in fall to churches and pastors who have requested it. As a reminder, please update your church or pastor profile if you no longer wish to receive a printed version of the Agenda for Synod or the Acts of Synod. If you’re unsure how to do this, please email [email protected].