Agenda for Synod 2022 Available

The Agenda for Synod 2022 and the Deferred Agenda for Synods 2020-2021 are now available online at and on the Synod 2022 webpage, where you can also sign up to receive Synod News.
The printing of this year’s 1,300+ pages of agenda materials has been delayed due to paper shortages, but current plans are that the print versions of the Deferred Agenda and the Agenda for Synod 2022 should be available for mailing to churches in late May. An early print run will also ensure that copies get to Synod 2022 delegates and advisers as quickly as possible.
“It is unfortunate that, due to paper shortages, the print versions of these two volumes of materials will not arrive until late May,” said Dee Recker, director of Synodical Services. “However, we are hoping that making digital copies of the materials available online will help everyone become familiar with the matters on synod’s agenda.”
Synods 2020 and 2021 were canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Matters that could not wait until 2022 were dealt with via special meetings of the Council of Delegates in June 2020 and in June 2021 in lieu of synod. Those matters included approving candidates for ministry, appointing people to ministry boards, and processing matters of the Judicial Code Committee. The vast majority of the 2020 and 2021 agenda items, however, were deferred, and that leaves a great deal of content for this year’s delegates to synod to process.
“Because of the tremendous amount of agenda materials, Synod 2022 will convene virtually on May 25 for opening worship, the constituting of synod, and the election of officers,” said Recker.
The opening service is being coordinated by Encounter Church, Kentwood, Mich., the convening church of Synod 2022. Rev. Dirk vanEyk will convene the service and also preach at the Synodical Service of Prayer and Praise on Sunday, June 12, at 5 p.m. (EDT) in the Calvin University Chapel. CRC members are welcome to attend.
In addition to the convening session on May 25, each advisory committee of synod will hold a preliminary, virtual meeting in early June. Doing so will allow initial introductions and instructions to be shared among delegates and should provide additional time for deliberations in the advisory committees during the week of in-person meetings June 10-16.
For the first time ever, Synod 2022 will also include a consent agenda with materials that will be voted on as information in a single motion instead of via numerous recommendations. Items that are intended for the consent agenda are marked by shading in the Agenda and Deferred Agenda documents.
In addition to the sheer volume of matters before synod this year, there is also added weight because of some very challenging subjects. These include matters related to structure and leadership, especially as a binational denomination. This year’s synod will also be formulating a response to the 175-page report of the Committee to Articulate a Foundation-laying Biblical Theology of Human Sexuality.
Between the deferred 2020 and 2021 agendas and the 2022 agenda, there are a total of 88 overtures and 17 communications to be addressed by Synod 2022.
“After two years of canceled synods, and with the weighty matters on this year’s agenda, we know that delegates and others are feeling anxious,” said Colin Watson, executive director of the CRCNA. “I encourage all of us to cast our anxieties and fears on Christ. Now is a time for us to pray together – for the Spirit’s leading in the gathering and deliberations, for humility as we accept decisions, and for us all to be brought to unity in Christ as part of this process.”
A special emphasis on prayer has already begun. The Council of Delegates has set times for listening to the Lord and one another in preparation for Synod 2022. A virtual prayer meeting was held for all delegates on March 30, and continued times of prayer and listening will take place on April 27 and May 11.
In addition, “Seeking God’s Face: 40 Days of Prayer” is launching on May 1 to encourage all CRCNA members to be in prayer in the days leading up to Synod 2022.
“Our prayer is that these special times of prayer and listening will build up the body to be guided by the mind and character of Christ as described in Phil. 2:5-11,” said Watson.
Synod 2022 will convene in person on Friday, June 10, at 8:15 a.m. (EDT) on the campus of Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Mich. It will run through the afternoon of June 16.
For news before and during synod, subscribe to Synod News and the CRC Newsweekly email (which will include links to Banner stories). Or follow the CRCNA on Facebook or on Twitter (#crcsynod). Also visit regularly during synod to access the schedule, advisory committee reports, stories, photos, and livestream access to synod deliberations. (Note that livestream will be on a 20-minute delay.)