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Churches Gather for Strawberry Communion

July 31, 2024
In-season strawberries were used to make strawberry juice for a special communion celebration between churches and Indigenous leaders.
In-season strawberries were used to make strawberry juice for a special communion celebration between churches and Indigenous leaders.
Photo: Victoria Veenstra

On Saturday, July 6, several church members who live and worship on the Six Nations Haldimand Tract treaty territory in southern Ontario gathered for a Strawberry Thanksgiving and Communion event. For a couple of hours they shared fellowship, listened to speakers, and commemorated the Lords’ Supper using bannock bread and strawberry juice as a means of marking the establishment of a sacred covenant between a local Mennonite church and the Six Nations people of the Grand River.

Participants of Hearts Exchanged who live in the area were specifically invited by Adrian Jacobs, senior leader for Indigenous justice and reconciliation, to attend and observe the event. Seven CRC churches were represented. These participants were also encouraged to consider how their local congregations might establish a similar sacred covenant relationship with local Indigenous communities.