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CRC Launches New Search for Executive Director

August 23, 2013

The Christian Reformed Church has initiated a renewed search for a new executive director and is asking CRC councils and members of congregations to partner in the search process.

Councils and church members can partner in two ways — by putting forth potential candidates and through prayer.

Rev. Joel Boot, the present executive director, is planning to retire in 2014 and  “the Executive Director Search Committee hopes to identify a candidate for appointment by Synod in June 2014,” says Loren Veldhuizen, chair of the Executive Director Search Committee.

The search committee met recently and updated some important information for the launch of the renewed search. Letters about the renewed search are going out to church councils and ads will appear in The Banner and Christian Courier.

“The committee again requests of CRC councils nominations for and applications of qualified candidates for the Executive Director position to serve the ministry of the Christian Reformed Church as soon as possible,” writes Veldhuizen in the letter.

A key part of the search process is a revamped website, offering a job description, a statement on confidentiality, a timeline for the search, information on how to apply or to nominate qualified persons for the position, and background on the denomination.

“Take note of the requested deadline of November 1, 2013, to receive your suggestions of candidates and applications,” writes Veldhuizen.
The committee also desires ongoing commitment to prayer for discernment of the search committee members that they may see clearly God’s mission for the CRC and to identify those persons gifted to lead the church there.

The committee also asks people to pray that God will prepare the heart and mind of the one he is calling to assume the role and responsibility of the ED position.

“Please consider how you might participate with prayer teams, congregational intercessory prayer, and in your personal prayer time.

“We are confident God will answer the faithful prayers of his people and encourage each of you to share in this important process,” writes Veldhuizen.
Direct any questions to [email protected]

The process for hiring an executive director was halted earlier this year when the person selected to be interviewed by Synod 2013 for the position decided, as synod approached, not to pursue the position.

The CRC’s Board of Trustees discussed moving ahead in the search with candidates that had already been identified, but decided instead to start over.