Dordt Students Conduct Annual Crop Research

Dordt University in Sioux Center, Iowa, conducted its annual field trials in 2020 despite an unusual year of weather, with moisture about 50 percent of normal.
The field trials are part of the Field Crop Production and Management course that Dordt agriculture students take. Students are challenged to find solutions to problems commonly associated in grain production.
“We want to thank Mike Schouten and the Dordt University AGRI 350 Field Crop Production and Management students for their harvesting of this year’s field trials,” says Dale Vos, agriculture professor.
“We added a couple of new trials and continued the trials seeking long-term data.”
The students spend a large part of the course doing research in the fall that helps to determine what is planted in the spring.
The report includes research on Corn Boron; Corn Cover Crop; Corn Down Pressure; Corn Fungicide Timing; Corn Fungicide; Corn High Yield; Corn Trait Trial. In addition, students conducted similar research on soybeans.