Executive Director-Canada Announced

The Canada Ministry Board of the CRCNA is pleased to announce that, after a robust recruitment and hiring process, they have appointed Rev. Albert Postma to the role of executive director-Canada.
This position is a new, permanent role that replaces the transitional executive director position that was put in place in May 2022. At that time, Postma was hired both because he had existing relationships and respect with staff and churches, and because his skills as a synthesizer and collaborator were needed to face the challenges of Canadian churches.
“Those are two skill sets that we need right now, especially in the Canadian office and the work going on,” said Chris deWinter in the announcement of Postma’s initial hire. “He is able to pull all kinds of things together and collaborate with a team.”
Over the past two years Postma has done just that. He has worked hard to establish and improve relationships with U.S. counterparts, and he has worked to create a clear sense among Canadian staff, churches, and classes about what it means to do ministry in Canada today.
“When I initially applied for the transitional executive director role in 2022, it was a step of faith and test of calling,” said Postma in his letter of interest for the permanent position. “I felt that I had been given the gifts, experiences, and passions needed to serve the church in this way, particularly at that time in our denomination’s history.”
Postma said that his experience in the role has only served to strengthen and affirm this sense of calling.
“I have found executive leadership in the denominational ministries to be incredibly rewarding,” he said – adding, “I look forward to serving in this new way.”
Greta Luimes, chair of the CRCNA Canada Ministry Board, agreed. In her announcement about Postma’s hire she said, “Al has served the Canadian CRC with diligence and wisdom in these last two years, and we are looking forward to what God will do through him in the coming years.”
Before serving as transitional executive director, Postma, who was ordained in 2009, served as pastor of Bethlehem CRC in Thunder Bay, Ont., until 2016, and spent six years as the CRCNA’s Classis Renewal leader. In the executive director-Canada role, Postma will lead and oversee the Canadian ministry leaders and staff as well as those engaged through binational partnership with CRCNA ministries and agencies. His transition to this new role is effective immediately.