Exploring Healthy Dialogue on Divisive Issues

Redeemer University will continue its Pastor Professor Exchange series with a presentation by Dr. Morgan Braganza Apr. 27 on “How to Better Engage Persons With Contentious Differences.”
The Pastor Professor Exchange began in 2018 as a way of fostering dialogue between pastors, church leaders, and Christian scholars on topics important to the church today. Each semester, Redeemer University invites pastors and church leaders from a variety of denominations to its campus for fellowship, a lecture given by a Christian scholar, and a time for discussion and questions.
Topics so far have included the pandemic and religious freedom, church growth, well-being, cultural trends in sexuality, and the book of Judges.
Braganza, an assistant professor of social work at Redeemer University, has formerly taught at Wilfrid Laurier University, Martin Luther University College, and Georgian College. Her research and interests include a variety of mental health and social issues, including community-, sports- and faith-based programming, character strengths, interorganizational collaboration, poverty, domestic violence, violence against women, and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, says the university’s website. Her recent research and publications have centered on relating and dialoguing across conflict or significant differences.
The university’s website notes, “During this workshop, [Braganza] will offer novel considerations, principles, and processes for improving encounters that will be relevant for Christians in church settings . . . as well as in broader contexts.”
Registration is available for both in-person or virtual (online) attendance.