Highlights from Council of Delegates Meeting

The Council of Delegates of the Christian Reformed Church in North America met via video conference on February 16-18, 2022. Their agenda included board development training, significant times of prayer for the denomination, as well as making several key decisions.
A summary of the meeting is available on The Network. In addition, several news stories have been shared in CRC News and The Banner.
- COD Names General Secretary Nominee - The search team for the General Secretary of the CRCNA presented their nominees, Rev. Dr. Zachary King. The COD spent some time interviewing King and voted to endorse his nomination and pass it along to Synod 2022 for approval.
- Council Debates How to Hear LGBTQ Voices Ahead of Synod - In response to a request from the COD, Colin Watson presented a proposal for how to help delegates of Synod 2022 hear from LGBTQ voices. This proposal was rejected and an alternative was offered.
- Dropped COVID-19 vaccine requirements for in-person meetings - In an action that revised an October 2021 decision to put a vaccine requirement in place for attendance at COD meetings or synod, the COD voted to instead encourage delegates to abide by travel protocols as well as applicable health guidelines of Calvin University at the time of synod.
- CRC Structure Changes: Another Tentative Turn - Several actions were taken with regards to moving the denomination forward in restructuring. One of these actions was to consider a new proposal suggesting tweaks to the office of the general secretary. The COD asked for more details to come in May.
- CRCNA Code of Conduct for Ministry Leaders - Endorsed an implementation plan for the previously adopted CRC Code of Conduct for Ministry Leaders.