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Introducing Classis North Cascades

June 17, 2019
Classis Pacific Northwest

Before this split, Classis Pacific Northwest was one of the largest classes in terms of geographic area.

The Christian Reformed Church in North America now has a new classis thanks to an act by Synod 2019.  

A classis is a grouping of churches (often regionally based) that seeks to discern God’s will together, offer each other mutual support and accountability, and to do joint ministry in a region. Classes also provide a connecting point between local congregations and the wider denomination.  

Until today, the CRCNA had 48 such classes: 12 in Canada and 36 in the United States. In the lead up to Synod 2019, one of these classes, Pacific Northwest, asked that it be divided in two with some of their congregations staying in the existing classis and others joining a newly formed classis. 

The new classis will be called “Classis North Cascades” and includes 11 congregations drawn from the northern part of Classis Pacific Northwest. Seven of the Washington churches are from Lynden, three from Bellingham, and one from Sumas. 

The reasons that Classis Pacific Northwest gave for this request had to do with the size of the present classis. In terms of the number of congregations affiliated with it, it is the largest classis in the denomination, making for large meetings, long agendas, and participants who never get to know each other.
As Synod 2019 discussed this request, questions were raised about whether these are the real reasons. Michael Vander Laan, Classis B.C. South-East, said the “real reasons” were not size but differences over theological issues between the congregations in the Lynden area and elsewhere in Classis Pacific Northwest. 

Doug Fakkema, who is from Classis Pacific Northwest, said, “Those of us who are in the south end of [the proposed line between Classis Pacific Northwest and the new classis] have experienced some real sadness over [the request for the new classis]. 

Aaron De Boer, also of Classis Pacific Northwest, said the proposal to create a new classis had been a multi-year process, and contrary to what had been implied, “There is no monolithic theology, even in Lynden.”

The synod approved the new classis and authorized the executive director of the denomination to appoint a neutral moderator to help the new classis and the old classis divide up assets now held by Classis Pacific Northwest.

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