Korean Pastors Hold Friendly Golf Tournament

The CRCNA encourages pastors and ministry leaders to learn and fellowship together through peer learning groups supported by Pastor Church Resources. “Finishing Well” is the name of one such group, made up of 13 Korean CRC pastors in Classis Ko-Am who have been meeting together since 2021.
In addition to meeting together, the “Finishing Well” group works with the education committee of Classis Ko-Am to plan tennis and golf tournaments to provide healthy fellowship – not only for their own group members but also for other Korean CRC ministers in the surrounding region.
On Sept. 26, 2022, the group held their fourth golf tournament at Westridge Golf Course in La Habra, Calif.
“Classis Ko-Am has been holding a friendly tennis and golf tournament on a day before the regular spring and fall classis meetings to encourage fellowship among members of the classis,” said Rev. Daniel Yi, coordinator of “Finishing Well.”
“When we held our first tennis and golf event, we only invited our classis members,” he added. “But since these events provide so much opportunity for fellowshiping together, we thought it would be good to invite pastors from neighboring classes to join us.”
This year, due to time constraints, he said, the group was unable to plan a tennis tournament, but they were able to go ahead with a golf tournament. Initially, 14-20 people were expected to participate, but then pastors from Classis Hanmi and Classis Greater Los Angeles were also invited. In total, 24 people participated.
Pastor Chris Choe, Korean ministry leader with Resonate Global Mission, also attended the event and provided an abundance of prizes. Thanks to this, prizes were delivered to all attendees as well as to the tournament winner.
After the tournament, the participants gathered to eat and socialize at a Korean restaurant. Yi added that it was very meaningful to hear another classis member say, “You have to invite us next time as well!”
“Peer learning groups are an opportunity for pastors to support, encourage, and care for one another. They offer time for prayer, sharing of joys and struggles in life and ministry, and learning on a variety of topics. All of these activities are critical to the health and well-being of pastors,” explained Lis Van Harten, leader of Pastor Church Resources.
In recent years, groups have also been encouraged to include another aspect of well-being — having some fun.
“When proposals are submitted without any mention of fun — whether that’s hiking, playing golf, having a family picnic, or other creative ideas — I’m quick to suggest that this component be added to the group’s plans,” Van Harten added. “Daniel’s group included the following in the group’s proposal. ‘We want to end our ministry with a sound body and soul.’ I’m delighted to hear that the group has been able to get out on the golf course and tend to their well-being in such a wonderful way.”