Learning the Message, Method, and Manner of Jesus

“The work of the city is growing,” said Adrian Viera, a second-year theology student living in Montréal, Québec. “It is then important to learn to discern the different needs of it. It is by combining biblical theology with practical theology that you can get to see those needs the way God would want us to see them.”
Combining biblical teaching and hands-on application is exactly what Adrian got to do through Resonate Global Mission partner Mission Montréal’s the Urban Lab, a learning cohort for young adults who want to learn how to best share Christ’s love in Montréal.
“We want to equip the head, the heart, and the hands of young adults to love their city and seek its peace,” said Jacynthe Vaillancourt, ministries advancement leader for Mission Montréal.
Mission Montréal is an initiative formed through a collaborative partnership among Resonate, Classis Eastern Canada, Diaconal Ministries Canada, First Christian Reformed Church of Montréal, and on-the-ground local ministry Christian Direction.
Adrian is one of the many young adults who has participated in Mission Montréal’s Urban Lab. He wants to pastor a church someday, but today, he’s involved in ministry in a variety of ways. This summer, he served with Christian Direction working in communications. All summer staff members participate in the Urban Lab, and Adrian was excited to join in the discussion and grow as a mission-minded leader.
“I’ve noticed that there can be kind of a disconnect with what the church teaches and what we actually do in practice, with how we get involved with the community,” said Adrian. “What I want is for people to know Christ, to experience Christ’s love … and that depends on how I live it out.”
Through the Urban Lab, Adrian gathered weekly with young adults in the city who are practicing urban ministry. Each week, they read and reflected on a passage of Scripture. And then the following week, they discussed how to apply that biblical teaching to ministry in their unique contexts.
"We firmly believe that young adults are emerging leaders and we want to form them to live out an active role in Christian community development,” said Jacynthe. “In the formation we talk about the message, method, and manner of Jesus ... the outcome is to be incarnational leaders and messengers of the good news, called out to love their city and seek its peace."
Adrian has always been especially passionate about social justice in Montréal. The city welcomes tens of thousands of newcomers from throughout the world each year, and Adrian loves the city’s diversity and the opportunity to learn with and from people from a variety of backgrounds. But he said it’s heartbreaking to see inequality in access to necessities like food and affordable housing.
“Different kinds of poverty are going to require different needs,” said Adrian. “My desire is to see how we can bring the message (of the gospel) while still linking it to whatever context they’re living. If someone is not eating, and we’re like, ‘Well you can believe in Christ and all your problems will be solved,’ that’s not quite right. They have a need that’s not being met, so it would be hard to focus on something else.”
Adrian said that the Urban Lab has helped him think about how he wants to lead in ministry, both today and in the future. Being able to learn and find support in a community was particularly valuable.
“I think it gives different missionaries from different backgrounds a space where they can share and grow,” he said. “It’s just a wonderful space where people can share safely and know they’ll be encouraged.”
Your support is essential for Resonate’s work with Mission Montréal. Thank you for helping to equip young adults like Adrian for mission in their city!