May 2024 Council of Delegates Highlights

Outgoing Council of Delegates members (left to right): John Lee, Ralph Wigboldus, Casey Jen, Sherry Fakkema, Paula Coldagelli, Tyler Wagenmaker, Sally Larsen, and Wayne Brower
The Council of Delegates (COD) of the Christian Reformed Church in North America met at Cascade Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., May 1-3, 2024. During this meeting the COD spent time in prayer, received reports, held discussions, and made decisions as follows:
- Celebrated outgoing COD members and thanked them for their service.
- Spent time in prayer for the family of Rev. Scott DeVries, former director of synodical services, who passed away on Apr. 27 (see CRC News story).
- Approved Rev. Joel Vande Werken as the temporary associate director of synodical services through Aug. 31 to support Synod 2024. The general secretary will review the job description and begin a search process for a new, permanent replacement in the future.
- Approved several motions related to the sale of the Grand Rapids denominational office building at 1700 28th Street SE and regarding the purchase of property at 300 East Beltline NE in Grand Rapids as the new ministry support center location.
- Instructed The Banner to become self-sustaining through revenue and fundraising, not including ministry shares, beginning in fiscal year 2027. To achieve this goal, The Banner will be asked to reduce its reliance on ministry share contributions over the next three years (see Banner news story).
- Heard about the first Gather event, which took place in Minneapolis, Minn. Additional events are planned for fall 2024 and winter 2025. Each event will bring together five classes at a time to help address membership decline in our churches in response to a directive from Synod 2023. More information is available at (see Banner news story).
- Adopted a revised report from the Global Vision Team, forwarding it to Synod 2024 for adoption as a guide to classes that are in conversation with congregations outside North America who desire to affiliate with the CRCNA. This includes asking the general secretary to establish a Vision Implementation Team of diverse members from the CRCNA and its international partners, which will complete several assignments related to the Global Vision Team report. This also includes (1) asking Synod 2024 to encourage the classes (with the support of CRCNA agencies, institutions, and ethnic ministry networks) to develop their own connections to international churches and to periodically share challenges and opportunities related to this effort with the Office of General Secretary, and (2) asking synod to affirm the importance of this global vision so that adequate financial and human resources are put toward it.
- Adopted policies for the COD, including a process for COD election of officers and how to handle objections about persons nominated as delegates to the COD.
- Provisionally approved several nominees to COD membership and recommended that Synod 2024 appoint them to these roles. Also assigned COD members to committees for the coming year.
- Endorsed a plan for the October COD meeting to include a board development presentation by Thrive staff on the One Family Conversation.
- Noted that the Bible Translations Committee is doing its work. A report on the Easy to Read Version will be ready in October.
- Heard from Greg Elzinga, interim president of Calvin University.
- Heard from Jul Medenblik, president of Calvin Theological Seminary.
- Received and passed along to Synod 2024 several “right of comment” documents regarding overtures to Synod 2024.
- Recommended that Synod 2024 celebrate six years of observance of the Day of Justice and recognize its continued expression in other venues rather than on an annual day.
- Heard from Zachary King, general secretary, about his recent work, including gratitude for prayers and support during Scott DeVries’s sudden illness and passing, the success of a recent Korean Ministers Association general meeting, completion of Synod 2023’s assignment to communicate with churches about ecclesiastical marriage, and an update on Gather.
- Heard from Shirley DeVries, chief administrative officer, including an update on ministry-share giving, work with the Minister’s Pension Fund, and coordination of agency advancement efforts.
- Heard from the directors of Resonate Global Mission, ReFrame Ministries, and Thrive, noting many good initiatives and requesting ongoing prayers and financial support from churches.
- Received a report about CRCNA statements on social, economic, and political Matters and passed it along to Synod 2024 as a response to an assignment from Synod 2023 regarding Overture 3: Refocus Ecclesiological Communication.
- Received a report from the Judicial Code Review Team and passed it along to Synod 2024 for adoption (see Banner news story).
- Received a report reviewing the Minister’s Pension Fund for copastoring couples and passed it along to Synod 2024 as a response to an assignment given by Synod 2023.
- Received a report related to implementing insurance for short-term illness and passed it along to Synod 2024 in response to an assignment given by Synod 2022.
- Noted the three-year average salary to be used to determine retirement benefits beginning in 2025; also took note of the church per-member assessment and participant assessment amounts and passed them along to Synod 2024.
- Appointed people to interim roles as synodical deputies.
- Spent time in executive session.
In addition to the meeting of the COD, the boards of other CRC corporate entities met separately on May 2 and reported the following:
CRCNA Canada Board
- Approved the compensation adjustment program for CRCNA Canada 2024-2025.
- Approved the proposed budget and ministry plans for CRCNA Canada.
- Received reports from the executive director-Canada and the chief administrative officer.
- Discussed a proposal to make future Canadian Ministry Board meetings closed to the public. This will be shared with the COD governance committee.
- Heard an update on the “Toward CRC Canada” group and ongoing conversations with it.
- Heard about a discussion that will take place on the Sunday afternoon of Synod 2024 for Canadians at synod.
- Discussed a future Canadian National Gathering in either 2025 or 2026.
ReFrame Ministries Canada Board
- Heard an update from Kurt Selles, ReFrame Ministries director, noting a five-year strategic plan that is under way.
- Received the Joint Management Committee convener report for information.
- Approved the joint ministry approval documents for 2024-2025.
- Received a financial report.
- Approved the compensation adjustment program for 2024-2025.
- Approved the budget for 2024-2025.
CRCNA U.S. Board
- Ratified the election of ministry board officers.
- Approved the joint ministry approval documents for 2024-2025.
- Approved the budget and plans for 2024-2025.
- Approved people to sign banking transactions and manage estate gifts on behalf of the CRCNA and its iterations.
- Approved a credit limit increase.
- Approved several motions related to the sale of the building at 1700 28th Street SE in Grand Rapids and the purchase of a building at 300 East Beltline NE.
- Expanded the U.S. ministry board executive committee membership to include two more people.
ReFrame Ministries U.S. Board
- Ratified the election of officers.
- Received financial statements.
- Approved the budget for 2024-2025.
- Approved a report from the Joint Management Committee convener.
- Approved the joint ministry approval documents.