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Meet Samantha Sebastia

September 4, 2024
Samantha Sebastia
Samantha Sebastia

Samantha Sebastia, daughter of Christian and Eukarys Sebastia, pastors of Carismah Church in Katy, Tex., has emerged as an inspiring young leader within her community.

Samantha Sebastia has faced challenges from a young age that many other young people also experience. “One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced as a young Christian leader has been not being taken seriously because of my age,” she shared. Despite having a clear vision and a deep desire to serve and share Christ, she encountered closed doors simply because of her youth. But instead of giving up, Sebastia used these challenges to fuel her commitment and passion for service. She began creating content on social media and actively engaged in Bible studies with friends, as well as attending the CRC’s synod as a young adult representative and engaging with the CRCNA’s Consejo Latino group.

As a Venezuelan immigrant, Sebstia has also faced challenges because of her English-language skills, and she said that her limited biblical knowledge in English sometimes leads others not to take her seriously. “Even though I speak and get by in English, my biblical knowledge in this language isn’t on par, which has led some people to dismiss it,” she noted. However, her dedication and faith have helped her overcome these barriers, proving that true understanding of the Word doesn’t depend on language but on the heart.

One of the most inspiring aspects of Sebastia’s leadership philosophy is her conviction that “young people attract other young people to Christ.” This phenomenon, she said, happens because young people trust and feel understood by their peers. “My parents tried various methods to attract more young people, but they weren’t as effective. In the end, I realized that when I talked about my faith with my friends, they were more likely to listen to me and recognize their need for God,” Sebastia explained. This approach has been key in her ministry, demonstrating that example and authenticity are powerful tools for evangelism among youth.

The influence of her parents has also been fundamental in Samantha’s spiritual formation, she said. “My father has influenced my curiosity for the Word of God and knowledge, while my mother has influenced my dedication and service to God,” she shared. This balance between deep Bible study and committed service has been crucial in her development as a leader.

She emphasized the importance of living the gospel as the most effective way to share the faith. “I’m not saying I’m a saint or that I never make mistakes, but I try to let my actions reflect Christ in me,” she said. In her experience, the key is for young people to have a personal encounter with God rather than simply filling them with information they don’t understand. “Encouraging them to have intimacy with God changes their lives in ways we can’t fully comprehend,” she said.

Listening to God before Human Expectations

As a young leader, Sebastia is involved in multiple areas of service within the church: media, worship, youth ministry, preaching, and more. However, she recognizes the need to constantly evaluate her spiritual state to ensure she’s listening more to God than to others' expectations. “It’s in those moments that I examine myself and correct myself with the help of the Holy Spirit,” she said.

Sebastia also reflects on the differences between Christian youth in Venezuela and the United States, highlighting how, in the face of a lack of comforts in Venezuela, total dependence on God is more evident, as there are fewer distractions—a reality she had to confront when immigrating to the United States.

Sebastia is like a treasure chest of anecdotes from her native Venezuela. She recalled, “In my church, we had a worship and dance group called Ágape, where my older sister was involved. I grew up watching men and women dance, performing in shopping centers and parks, and traveling to other countries to learn techniques to worship the Lord with excellence. They performed theater in public places to reach people where they were. These young people made every effort to find creative ways to reach those on the streets and invited them to accept Jesus in their hearts. They were worshipers who dedicated all their time to God.”

Sebastia witnessed the powerful influence these young people had on the church's growth. From an early age, she said, she was eager to be part of this movement and couldn’t wait to grow and join them. She had learned that young people can play a crucial role in helping a church grow and bringing others to Christ.

When her time came to grow up and be a young adult, however, Sebastia had to do so in the United States, where things are done differently. So, she said, she found ways to serve differently in her parents’ church, which continues to grow in the youth community. Sebastia said, “We’ve had sleepovers, held movie nights, gone to restaurants, and had Q&A sessions. Also, in our youth service, we preach, raise funds to help people, and have had evangelism groups. Recently we had our first youth camp.” 

She added, “Even though the culture in the United States is different from Venezuela’s, God remains the same, and the people’s need for God remains the same.”

Future and Legacy

Sebastia explained that God’s movement through young people has been great, and she believes that even if they only reach one soul, it’s significant because it’s one more soul for God. “Young Latinos are dreamers, strong and resilient, and I can see how a generation of leaders full of the Holy Spirit is rising, like Joseph, like David. There’s no way to stop what God has already begun. Sometimes it seems like everything is going wrong, but there’s a revival in progress for the United States, for North America, and for the world, and it’s starting with the youth.”

Looking to the future, Sebastia dreams of training other young leaders and continuing to expand the gospel. She plans to marry her boyfriend, if it’s God’s will, and continue to be an example for the next generation, she said. “I’d like to stay involved in serving God and in the CRC, and to motivate other young people to do the same,” she said.

In her life and ministry Sebastia embodies the message of 1 Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young.” Her leadership and dedication are a beacon for other young people, showing that with faith and perseverance they can overcome any challenge and make a significant difference in their communities.