New Programs Bring New Prayer Opportunities in India

A few months ago, Vidyut remembers receiving a text message from an unknown number.
“Will you pray for me?”
Vidyut (his last name has been left out for security reasons) serves with ReFrame Ministries’ partner ministry in India, and he has been receiving more and more requests like this from people from non-Christian backgrounds. This message on his phone came from a man named Anup.
After receiving the text, “I called Anup and he told me his problem while in tears,” said Vidyut. “He belongs to a non-Christian family and he was very scared because he was about to undergo dialysis in the hospital three times per week.”
Vidyut was happy to pray with Anup over the phone and he also asked Anup where he found his number. The answer encouraged Vidyut.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ReFrame’s Hindi ministry has been hosting several discipleship groups online. In the groups, participants share ReFrame’s programs, discuss what they hear and watch, and encourage one another in their faith. A good friend of Anup’s is in the group and shared Vidyut’s number with him.
“Now Anup is regularly in touch with me as well as some of the other prayer warriors on our ministry team,” said Vidyut.
A Community Resource
Vidyut’s new opportunities to pray aren’t just online. He’s known in his community for his role as a Christian ministry leader. So when a neighbor passed away due to the coronavirus, his daughter asked Vidyut for prayer.
“She was feeling lonely after her father’s death,” said Vidyut. “She was also very afraid about what to do next, so she organized a prayer meeting at her home and asked me to lead.”
Vidyut led the group in prayer for three days, and also connected his neighbor with a local prayer group. He added that opportunities to show Christ’s love are around every corner.
“Our country has fallen down,” said Vidyut. “We thank you for your continuous support and prayers for the ministry in this part of India as we share the love and compassion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”