Pakistan Flooding Response

Since the monsoon season began in mid-June, Pakistan has experienced about three times more rain than its 30-year national average. Severe flooding has affected 33 million people — nearly equivalent to the entire population of Canada. World Renew is responding.
“A third of Pakistan is under water, and it may take up to six months for the water to recede,” said Jacqueline Koster, interim director of international disaster response for World Renew. “The impacts of this disaster are expected to affect all corners of the country.”
Pakistan is predicted to experience an economic loss of $12.5 billion, with inflation projected to reach a record high of 30 percent by the end of the year.
“The needs of the people affected by the extreme flooding are overwhelming, but through our gifts and prayers we can extend God’s hope,” said Koster.
World Renew is partnering with other nonprofit organizations to provide food, water, shelter, health care, and more to people most in need. This aid will now go even further, thanks to a generous match pledged by the Canadian government.
On Tuesday, Sept. 13, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the Canadian government would match all donations for Pakistan that are made before Sept. 28 and are given to one of the 12 aid agencies that make up the Humanitarian Coalition. As a member of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, World Renew is included in this matching program.
“World Renew is grateful to the government of Canada for this pledge and is asking that our supporters give generously,” said Koster. “All Canadian donations made between Aug. 1, 2022, and Sept. 28, 2022, will be matched 1:1, up to $3 million. Please share Christ's hope with the people of Pakistan today!”
To donate, please visit (Note that this is a Canadian-specific donation campaign. Donations made by residents of other countries will not be counted toward the match. To donate in the U.S. visit and select "International Disaster Response.")