A Trustworthy Partner in India

In northern India, a recent uptick in violence against Christians has been hurting churches and religious leaders. This has made it harder for ReFrame Ministries’ partners to share the gospel using media.
New laws have made it harder to share ReFrame's programs, as the staff of ministry partners risk being accused of pressuring people to convert to Christianity if they share radio programs or other media.
“The local political situation has created a lot of problems for Christians in recent years, especially for making field visits,” a staff member from ReFrame's partner ministry shared.
Despite this risk, ReFrame’s partners have continued sharing programs online. They are also hosting follow-up events for people who want to know more about what they hear on the programs.
While police and other authority figures have primarily been siding with the anti-Christian groups, one police officer has been enthusiastically supporting Christian ministry in his own way.
Amar (whose name has been changed for his safety) is a police officer who first discovered ReFrame's audio programs after a long shift at work.
"Every day, I face a lot of dangerous situations at work, and I grow very tense," Amar wrote to ReFrame’s partner ministry staff. "But after my shift, I've been returning home and listening to your Hindi radio program every day. This fills me with peace and joy."
After listening for several months, Amar reached out to the ministry partner.
“I really appreciate your good work and praise God for his amazing grace," Amar said. He also asked for an in-person, follow-up event to be planned in his area. Staff are cautiously preparing for a visit to his city.
"Because of the safety and security risks right now, we organize these meetings very carefully, working within the legal system," reported a staff member. "Before organizing any follow-up events, we identify people like Amar who have listened to our programs and demonstrate that they are trustworthy."
Pray that as Amar meets with people in his own community and invites them to the upcoming follow-up event, his message will be received well and he and others will remain safe.