World Renew Moves U.S. Offices

World Renew, the Christian Reformed Church in North America’s international relief and development organization, is moving from its current location in the denominational offices in Grand Rapids, Mich. to one in Byron Center. The move answers a number of larger considerations in the current location as well as reunites the organization with its North American disaster response program.
“World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS) has been located in Byron Center since our Hurricane Katrina response in 2005 exponentially expanded that work beyond the space available in the current building on 28th Street,” said World Renew U.S. Director Carol Bremer-Bennett. “It has long been a goal of World Renew to reunite our team in one space. This relocation makes that possible.”
World Renew’s purchase of a building at 8970 Byron Commerce Drive SW, Byron Center, Mich. is around 10 miles from the CRCNA offices. The idea for this purchase came into discussion after a 2019 recommendation was made by CRCNA U.S. Corporation, owners of the current denominational building, to remodel the existing offices and resize the property.
The timeline of World Renew’s projected move was then significantly delayed by the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, but the delay resulted in an outcome that is now adjusted to the current pandemic reality.
“This is a new building that is right-sized for World Renew post-pandemic and can be designed to flex with our needs in the next normal, the hybrid workspace,” Bremer-Bennett said. “It brings us together under one roof again to streamline and support the future growth of World Renew. We are excited to realize new ways for our volunteers to serve remote disaster sites from this new, unified home office.”
World Renew Canada will remain in the CRCNA’s Burlington, Ont. building. Their decision to move from the Grand Rapids facility will assist the CRCNA in making plans to maximize the use of the current building on 28th Street in support of the denomination’s other ministries.
“While World Renew has outgrown the Grand Rapids building, the organization has in no way outgrown our relationship with the CRCNA,” said Bremer-Bennett. “We will continue to collaborate with the agencies and ministries of the CRCNA. Moving into another office location does not signal a break from the CRCNA or other denominations with which we partner. Our new space will serve as a big tent where relationships can expand and flourish."