Worship Ministries Releases New Video

Worship Ministries has just released the first of four professional videos under the tagline #ThisIsCRCWorship, inviting Christian Reformed Church members to celebrate the unity we have as individuals and congregations living to worship and serve Jesus Christ.
With video clips and photos of churches in worship across North America, the video displays a diversity of worship styles throughout the denomination while at the same time highlighting the unity of worshipers involved.
Echoing the words of Ephesians 4:4-6, Worship Ministries reminds us, “In CRC worship, we share one faith, worship one God, and are filled with one Spirit. We are baptized with one baptism, eat of one bread, and drink of one cup. We confess one name, are obedient to one Lord, and share one hope – all to the praise of one God who is over all, through all, and in all.”
Katie Roelofs, resource and communications coordinator for Worship Ministries, compiled the content for the video by viewing archived videos from the past few years. Reflecting on the time she spent searching for content, she noted, “Even just going through YouTube channels looking for content has been good for my soul in a way. We’re hoping this will be reflective for everybody else too: that as you see little snapshots of this denomination at worship, you see not only our diversity but also our unity in Christ.”
The video was edited by Match Frame Creative, a videography company based in Grand Rapids, Mich. Roelofs said the next videos in the series will cover different elements of worship. While the first is an overview of worship in various CRC congregations, the next three videos will focus on prayer, the Word, and the sacraments.
Roelofs said she hopes the rollout of the first video will help set the stage for people in churches across the denomination to feel that they can participate in the #ThisIsCRCWorship project and see something of themselves and their worshiping community in the resources and media being shared under the tagline.
Use #ThisIsCRCWorship when you share photos or videos of your worship on social media and then take a moment to search with that hashtag to see the breadth and depth of worship in the CRCNA.