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  • Bearing Witness, Seeking Justice

    After taking part in the CRC’s Faith in Action Workshop, deacons in Waterloo, Ont., learned how to be better advocates for the people they serve.
    March 22, 2023
  • Sharing Stories from Ukraine

    In the midst of war and conflict, ReFrame Ministries staff are finding ways to share the gospel with people who need to hear it.
    March 15, 2023
  • Building a Robotics Football Team

    Calvin University’s robotics football team has performed well in skills tests so far, and its first full 8 vs. 8 competition will take place in April.
    March 15, 2023
  • ‘Love Western’ Feeds Students

    The campus ministry at Western University in London, Ont., is meeting a huge need on campus—providing food for hungry students.
    March 15, 2023
  • Kang, a student at Calvin Theological Seminary, connecting with Resonate's Nalini Suganandam about serving.

    Mission Fair For Seminary Students

    Students at Calvin Theological Seminary had an opportunity to explore God’s call on their lives at a Mission Fair hosted by Resonate Global Mission.
    March 8, 2023
  • Participants at the Prayer Catalyst Gathering

    Praying for the Denomination

    Approximately 40 people gathered in California in February for the first Prayer Catalyst Gathering of the CRCNA.
    March 8, 2023
  • ‘The Architecture of Prayer’

    A new exhibit at the Calvin University Center Art Gallery asks, “How can physical space affect prayer and worship?”
    March 8, 2023
  • La’Leatha Spillers will be Calvin University’s first vice president of marketing and communications.

    Calvin Hires VP of Marketing

    A Calvin University search committee has selected La’Leatha Spillers as the institution’s first vice president for marketing and communications.
    March 8, 2023
  • From Hostility to Hospitality

    Learning to tolerate one another is often a chief aim of civics education. A Calvin University program says that’s too low a target.
    March 1, 2023
  • Aarol Einfeld

    Helping Leaders Lead through Change

    Calvin Theological Seminary is offering a new leadership cohort designed to help people lead effectively through times of change.
    March 1, 2023
  • Young Adult Winter Retreat Returns

    After a two-year pause, the (Ontario) Young Adult Winter Retreat drew young people together for several days of fun and fellowship.
    March 1, 2023
  • Feb. 2023 Council of Delegates Highlights

    The COD met via video conference Feb. 15-17. They discussed several important matters, including Inspire, a director for Resonate, and the Code of Conduct.
    February 22, 2023
  • Kevin DeRaaf

    Resonate Director Named

    Kevin DeRaaf has been named as the nominee for director of Resonate Global Mission, pending ratification by Synod 2023.
    February 16, 2023
  • Calvin Worship Symposium 2023

    Finding Home in the Real God

    Participants at the Calvin Symposium on Worship focused on the assurance that God holds all things together and that the church needs to put God first in all things.
    February 15, 2023
  • World Renew Disaster Response Services volunteers pray with Tracy outside her Florida home.

    Cleaning Up after Hurricane Ian

    Tracy was unprepared for the brunt of Hurricane Ian when it hit her community in late Sept. 2022. World Renew was able to help.
    February 15, 2023
  • Members from Hebron CRC, Whitby, Ont. (l-r: Nancy McGee, Laura Willet, Barb Willet, and Mary Hosmar) attended the first Generation Spark binational gathering in October 2022.

    One Bold Moment

    “You want me . . . to sign my church up for a program without asking anyone?”
    February 15, 2023
  • 2023 Denominational Survey Opens

    Members of the CRCNA are invited to participate in the annual denominational survey, which is now open and accepting responses.
    February 8, 2023