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A Covenant of Shared Ministry

What are ministry shares?

In 1862, Christian Reformed congregations recognized that some of the ministries to which Christ calls us can be difficult to do on our own. They covenanted to pool their resources in order to do more and greater ministry together.

The Christian Reformed Church uses ministry shares to fund a variety of requested ministries both within North America and around the world. The vast majority of every dollar of ministry shares goes directly to ministry programs that start new churches, train servant leaders, support chaplains, resource congregations, and reach out to our neighbors through media and evangelism.

Where does the money go?

The Christian Reformed Church uses ministry shares to fund a variety of requested ministries both within North America and around the world. The vast majority of every dollar of ministry shares goes directly to ministry programs that start new churches, train servant leaders, support chaplains, resource congregations, and reach out to our neighbors through media and evangelism.

United States


The CRCNA of Canada does not support Calvin University through ministry shares. 

Do ministry shares pay for everything our denomination does?

 No, but they are the foundation for much of it. Ministry shares provide about 17.5% of the budget for mission agencies (excluding World Renew), 19% for Calvin Theological Seminary, and 84% for Thrive. World Renew does not receive ministry shares.

How much should my congregation give?

Synod 2019 suggested, and a special meeting of the COD in 2020 approved, a new method of continuing our covenant together. Instead of setting a specific amount per member, they recommend that each congregation prayerfully consider how much it can contribute towards our shared ministry efforts.

How can churches determine their pledge?

  1. Churches could take the amount they gave last year and increase by a specific percentage.
  2. Churches could pledge ministry shares based on a percentage of their budget. For example, a tithe of 10% or 15% of their church budget could be given to the ministry shares program.
  3. A congregation could determine an amount per member that works best for their congregation. If every CRC member and every congregation gave their whole amount, this would provide us with $40 MILLION for shared ministry.

How does God use my gifts?

When you give to the ministry shares program you help spread the Gospel around the world. You also support
churches within the denomination that need help or are looking to grow their ministry. Here are a few things that
ministry shares support:

  • Missionaries
  • Church planters
  • Chaplains
  • Radio and television broadcasts in multiple languages
  • Faith formation resources
  • Disability awareness
  • Training in safe church practices
  • Help for pastors in transition
  • Worship resources
  • The Network
  • Synod and the COD
  • Training in diversity and inclusion
  • Support for engaging youth and young adults
  • Much more

Visit to learn more about the CRCNA and its ministries.

Is my church giving to ministry shares?

Ask your deacon, elder, or treasurer if your church is participating in shared ministry through the ministry shares program.

Download a copy of Ministry Shares Explained to bring to your next congregational or council meeting.

For more information and to talk with someone about Ministry Shares please contact us.