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If you’re longing for a deeper, more life-giving faith, join us for a dive into transformational Christian practices.

Are you feeling worn out, discouraged, or ready for something new? You’ve come to the right place. The Faith Practices Project, hosted by Thrive, invites you to refresh your spirit by experimenting with life-giving spiritual disciplines (practices).

For each practice you’ll find creative ideas for individual and communal practices, Scripture passages to read, a helpful intro article, thought or discussion questions, and a list of resources for going deeper.

What Is a Faith Practice?

A spiritual discipline is a regularly repeated practice that can, both personally and communally

  • enrich our attentiveness to the Holy Spirit,
  • cultivate the life and character of Jesus Christ in us, and
  • strengthen our love for God and others.

These transformations equip us to better serve God and our neighbor.

Historically, spiritual disciplines have included practices like reading the Bible, prayer, fasting, silence, solitude, and service. But the range of faith-formative practices actually encompasses a much larger set of activities. (Read more about Faith Practices)


Service is a response to God’s love for us in Jesus Christ that teaches us to live like Jesus through specific, tangible actions that contribute to the dignity and well-being of the people we serve.

Standing Stones


The faith practice of remembering centers our attention on what God has done in our lives, deepening our assurance that God is with us here and now, and expanding our hope and anticipation for what God will yet do.


The faith practice of wonder helps us glimpse with surprise just how creative, faithful, good, big, and present God is.


The faith practice of prayer is a way in which we actively submit ourselves and our world to God’s ongoing transformational work in Christ by expressing ourselves to God and listening for God to engage with us.


Through the faith practice of celebrating we delight in circumstances, relationships, and occasions that help us remember and anticipate God's abundant goodness, creativity, faithfulness, beauty, and love.


As a faith practice, listening involves training our attention to recognize God’s voice (John 10:1-6) in the midst of all the other voices calling for our attention. It involves learning to be fully present in the moment, setting aside distractions that keep us from attending to and responding to God’s presence around us.

Justice and Mercy

Justice and mercy are the tangible expressions of loving our neighbors as God has loved us. They are the ways that we live like Jesus here and now, affirming the goodness of God’s image in others and anticipating the overflowing shalom—peace and flourishing—that characterizes God’s coming kingdom.

Engaging Scripture

The practice of engaging Scripture immerses us in the true story of God's faithful love so that we become more like Jesus as we grow in recognizing God, ourselves, and the world around us.


Hospitality is the act of making space for guests, visitors, or strangers, and extending to them the privileges of family. In these resources, we’ll explore biblical hospitality and focus on how we can share food, shelter, and protection.


Generosity is freely sharing with others the many gifts God has given us. A spirit of generosity arises from gratitude. As we imitate God’s own generous nature, our generosity overflows to bless the people around us.


Gratitude is our response of thankfulness for God’s goodness, love, provision, and grace. It is the undercurrent of all other faith practices—the well out of which they flow.


Sabbath, God's gift to us, is a time set apart to rest from work, worship God, tend to our soul, and bless others.

Explore more faith-forming resources from Thrive.