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Justice and Hope Sunday

What is Justice and Hope Sunday?

Justice and Hope Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent each year.  

“The LORD loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of his unfailing love.”
—Psalm 33:5

Justice and hope. Can these two words really go together? As justice-seekers whose ears are attuned to the voices of marginalized people, where is our hope when the poor are trampled underfoot and it seems that the powerful take the day every time? Where is our hope when even our churches too often turn their faces away?

We have hope because we are not saving the world, Christ is.

We have hope because we get to participate in this heavenly restoration and reconciliation of all things, and though we groan and labour along with creation, we know the ending of the story already.

There will be freedom for the prisoners.

There will be recovery of sight for the blind.

The oppressed will be set free.

Good news will be proclaimed to the poor.

And so we work and pray and advocate, entrusting our faithful mustard seeds of love for neighbours to a faithful God.

As we walk with Christ toward the cross this Lent, we walk with our marginalized neighbours, knowing with them that after the cross comes the empty tomb.

Worship Resources

We've collected litanies, prayers, songs, and sermon resources for this special Sunday! Access all of these resources on the Network!

Offering Resources

Use our bulletin insert, powerpoint slide, or yearly video to get your congregation excited about the work of our ministry.
Education Together Postcard

Offering of Letters

You may also want to consider taking an offering of letters. We've put easy and clear instructions here.

Kids Activities


Don't forget to include kids in your planning for Justice and Hope Sunday! Refugee based activities available here.

Indigenous Justice

Kids activities about Indigenous justice from our partners at the Canadian Indigenous Ministry Committee.

All Topics

For general ways to get kids engaged with justice check out suggestions here.