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Special Note for Bulletin Editors and Church Administrators:

To allow bulletin editors more time amid the busyness of Christmas, New Year, and Sunday services, bulletin announcements will be prepared a day early for the last two weeks of the year. The email with the link to the bulletin announcements page will be sent Tuesday, December 24, and Tuesday, December 31, rather than the regular Wednesday time.

About This Page: These announcements connect church members with the ministries of their denomination. You can include them in your Sunday bulletin, weekly email, monthly newsletter (using the future week checkboxes), or Bridge App (for those churches using the app). When copy/pasting into a print bulletin, you may wish to paste as unformatted text (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+V) to remove formatting. For sharing in an electronic format, maintain the formatting to include hyperlinks to more information.

Related Resources:; ministry logos; weekly reminder email. Questions? Email [email protected].

Active Week:
Future Weeks (still in process)

The listing updates instantly when adjusting the filters above.

ReFrame Ministries

Kids Corner: Advent Week 3: The Baby - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at In Luke 2:11-14, the long-awaited Messiah has come. The prophecy from the prophet Isaiah has happened. On that blessed night, the hope God promised so many years ago was born into the world. He came as a baby - not just any baby - he was the Son of God. Check out all the great content at, like the Bible Story Podcast The Journey of the Wise Men.

Kids Corner: Advent Week 4: The Blessing - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at We cannot repay God for his love. What we can do is give his love to others and bless those around us the same way God blesses us. Christ is the ultimate blessing, and when we receive him, it’s not something we keep to ourselves. As God's children, he wants us to share the good news of Jesus's birth, death, and resurrection with others. Check out all the great content at, like the Bible Story Podcast The Story of the Shepherds.

Groundwork: Jesus: Our Everlasting Father - Isaiah continued to reveal the nature of the Messiah when he called him the “Everlasting Father.” Join our Groundwork conversation as we study Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 63:15-16, John 14:6-14, 1 John 1:1-4, and 1 John 3:1-3 to better understand how this revolutionary title reveals the nature of Jesus and discover the comfort and belonging offered to us in Jesus, our Everlasting Father. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Groundwork: Jesus: Our Prince of Peace - As we celebrate Christmas, join Groundwork as we study Isaiah 9:6, Psalm 137, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 53:4-12, Ephesians 2:14-19, and Luke 2:1-21 to discover the deep and meaningful shalom Jesus brought to us in his birth, that he promises to establish permanently when he returns, and how we can be his agents of peace in our world here and now. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Kids Corner: Home is a Blessing - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at God is our rock and our foundation. The home is the place where your family chooses to make a commitment to serve God. What a blessing! Check out all the great content at, like the Bible Story Podcast The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders.

Kids Corner: God's Guidance - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at Ask yourself, “How can you tell what God wants you to do?” Spoiler Alert: the key is to remember who God is. Listen now at and subscribe to KC’s weekly emails for all the new content. Check out all the great content at, like KC’s The Bible in One Year Plan.

Kids Corner: Loving My Enemy - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at As you listen, remember that what bullies say about you doesn’t define you. God has already said who you are. Check out all the great content at, like KC’s The Bible in One Year Plan.

Kids Corner: Word Power MLK Day - Word Power MLK Day Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at Did you know words have power? Your words. Your neighbor’s words. Everybody’s! Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. knew that. He used his word power to help people see each other as equals, no matter their skin color. Check out all the great content at like KC’s The Bible in One Year Plan.


Thrive Faith Formation Tip - This coming week marks the winter solstice—the “longest night” of the year. For many, the Christmas season can be a particularly difficult time. How might God be calling you to minister to people who struggle? How might you remind them that the dark of night will gradually give way to the light of day? Brought to you by Thrive:

Consejo de Formación en la Fe de Thrive - Esta semana que viene marca el solsticio de invierno, la “noche más larga” del año. Para muchos, la temporada navideña puede ser un tiempo particularmente difícil. ¿Cómo te está llamando Dios a ministrar a las personas que luchan? ¿Cómo podrías recordarles que la oscuridad de la noche gradualmente dará paso a la luz del día? Presentado por Thrive:

Thrive 신앙 훈련 팁 - 이번 주는 “가장 긴 밤”인 동지입니다. 많은 사람들에게 크리스마스 시즌은 특히 힘든 시기일 수 있습니다. 하나님께서 어려움을 겪는 사람들에게 어떻게 다가가도록 당신을 부르고 계신가요? 그들에게 어두운 밤이 지나면 반드시 빛이 온다는 사실을 어떻게 전할 수 있을까요? Thrive에서 제공하는 자료입니다:

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - For you Jesus Christ came into the world: for you he lived and showed God's love; for you he suffered the darkness of Calvary and cried at the last, “It is finished”; for you he triumphed over death and rose in newness of life; for you he ascended to reign at God’s right hand. All this he did for you, though you do not know it yet. And so the word of Scripture is fulfilled: “We love because God loved us first.” –Adapted from the French Reformed Church liturgy During this week of Christmas, tell the familiar story of the birth of our Savior with the hope of hearing it in new and beautiful ways, remembering Christ’s incarnation and birth for YOU. Brought to you by Thrive:

Consejo de Formación en la Fe de Thrive - Por ti Jesucristo vino al mundo; por ti vivió y mostró el amor de Dios; por ti sufrió la oscuridad del Calvario y clamó al final, “Todo está cumplido”; por ti triunfó sobre la muerte y resucitó en novedad de vida; por ti ascendió para reinar a la diestra de Dios. Todo esto lo hizo por ti, aunque aún no lo sabes. Y así se cumple la palabra de la Escritura: “Nosotros amamos porque Dios nos amó primero”. –Adaptado de la liturgia de la Iglesia Reformada Francesa Durante esta semana de Navidad, cuenta la familiar historia del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador con la esperanza de escucharla de nuevas y hermosas maneras, recordando la encarnación y el nacimiento de Cristo por TI. Presentado por Thrive:

Thrive 신앙 훈련 팁- - 예수 그리스도께서 당신을 위해 이 세상에 오셨습니다. 당신을 위해 살아가시며 하나님의 사랑을 보여주셨습니다. 당신을 위해 갈보리에서 고난을 겪으시고, 마지막으로 “다 이루었다'”고 말씀하셨습니다. 당신을 위해 죽음을 이기시고 새로운 생명으로 부활하셨습니다. 당신을 위해 하나님 오른편에서 지금도 다스리고 계십니다. 아직 당신이 알지 못하더라도, 이 모든 것을 당신을 위해 행하셨습니다. 그래서 이 말씀을 이루셨습니다: “우리가 사랑하는 것은 하나님께서 먼저 우리를 사랑하셨기 때문입니다.” – 프랑스 개혁교회 예전에서 발췌 이번 크리스마스 주간에는 익숙한 구세주의 탄생 이야기를 새로운 시각으로, 더 아름답게 들을 수 있기를 바라며 전해보세요. 그리고 그리스도의 성육신과 탄생이 바로 “당신”을 위한 것임을 기억하세요. Thrive에서 제공하는 자료입니다:

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - For you Jesus Christ came into the world: for you he lived and showed God's love; for you he suffered the darkness of Calvary and cried at the last, “It is finished”; for you he triumphed over death and rose in newness of life; for you he ascended to reign at God’s right hand. All this he did for you, though you do not know it yet. And so the word of Scripture is fulfilled: “We love because God loved us first.” –Adapted from the French Reformed Church liturgy During this week of Christmas, tell the familiar story of the birth of our Savior with the hope of hearing it in new and beautiful ways, remembering Christ’s incarnation and birth for YOU. Brought to you by Thrive:

Consejo de Formación en la Fe de Thrive - Por ti Jesucristo vino al mundo; por ti vivió y mostró el amor de Dios; por ti sufrió la oscuridad del Calvario y clamó al final, “Todo está cumplido”; por ti triunfó sobre la muerte y resucitó en novedad de vida; por ti ascendió para reinar a la diestra de Dios. Todo esto lo hizo por ti, aunque aún no lo sabes. Y así se cumple la palabra de la Escritura: “Nosotros amamos porque Dios nos amó primero”. –Adaptado de la liturgia de la Iglesia Reformada Francesa Durante esta semana de Navidad, cuenta la familiar historia del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador con la esperanza de escucharla de nuevas y hermosas maneras, recordando la

Thrive 신앙 훈련 팁- - 예수 그리스도께서 당신을 위해 이 세상에 오셨습니다. 당신을 위해 살아가시며 하나님의 사랑을 보여주셨습니다. 당신을 위해 갈보리에서 고난을 겪으시고, 마지막으로 “다 이루었다'”고 말씀하셨습니다. 당신을 위해 죽음을 이기시고 새로운 생명으로 부활하셨습니다. 당신을 위해 하나님 오른편에서 지금도 다스리고 계십니다. 아직 당신이 알지 못하더라도, 이 모든 것을 당신을 위해 행하셨습니다. 그래서 이 말씀을 이루셨습니다: “우리가 사랑하는 것은 하나님께서 먼저 우리를 사랑하셨기 때문입니다.” – 프랑스 개혁교회 예전에서 발췌 이번 크리스마스 주간에는 익숙한 구세주의 탄생 이야기를 새로운 시각으로, 더 아름답게 들을 수 있기를 바라며 전해보세요. 그리고 그리스도의 성육신과 탄생이 바로 “당신”을 위한 것임을 기억하세요. Thrive에서 제공하는 자료입니다:

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - As we come to the end of a calendar year, this is a fitting time to look back. At a mealtime this week, share with someone else one thing that you’re grateful for, one thing you’re sad about, and one way you’ve seen God working in the past year. Read Psalm 90 together as a reminder that God directs our days, months, and years. Brought to you by Thrive:

Consejo de Formación en la Fe de Thrive - Al llegar al final de un año calendario, este es un momento apropiado para mirar atrás. Durante una comida esta semana, comparte con alguien más una cosa por la que estás agradecido, una cosa que te pone triste, y una manera en que has visto a Dios obrar en el año que pasó. Lean juntos el Salmo 90 como recordatorio de que Dios dirige nuestros días, meses y años. Presentado por Thrive:

Thrive 신앙 훈련 팁- - 한 해가 끝나가는 이 시점은 지난 시간을 돌아보기 좋은 때입니다. 이번 주 식사 시간에 감사했던 일 하나, 슬펐던 일 하나, 그리고 지난 한 해 동안 하나님의 역사하심을 경험한 것 중 하나를 함께 나눠보세요. 시편 90편을 함께 읽으며, 하나님께서 우리의 하루하루와 모든 시간을 인도하신다는 것을 되새겨 보세요. Thrive에서 제공하는 자료입니다:

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - Today is Epiphany Sunday, when we celebrate Jesus’ coming as the light to all people. On this Sunday we remember the Magi, who saw the light in the sky and followed it to hono(u)r the birth of Jesus. Read Matthew 2:1-12. Talk about what kind of gift you would bring to Jesus, and why. Brought to you by Thrive:

Consejo de Formación en la Fe de Thrive - Hoy es Domingo de Epifanía, cuando celebramos la venida de Jesús como la luz para todas las personas. En este domingo recordamos a los Magos, que vieron la luz en el cielo y la siguieron para honrar el nacimiento de Jesús. Lee Mateo 2:1-12. Habla sobre qué tipo de regalo le llevarías a Jesús y por qué. Presentado por Thrive:

Thrive 신앙 훈련 팁 - 오늘은 예수님께서 모든 사람에게 빛으로 오심을 기념하는 주현절 주일입니다. 이 날은 동방박사들이 하늘의 빛을 보고 예수님의 탄생을 경배하러 왔던 일을 기억하는 날입니다. 마태복음 2장 1-12절을 읽고, 예수님께 드리고 싶은 선물이 있다면 무엇이고, 그 이유는 무엇인지 함께 이야기해보세요. Thrive에서 제공하는 자료입니다:

CRC Communications

Introducing The Postma Post! - Stay connected with Al Postma, Executive Director of the CRCNA in Canada, as he shares updates, reflections, and key highlights about the incredible work God is doing in our communities. Through this new email, you’ll receive updates like highlights from the Canadian Board meetings and insights into our strategic goals—delivered right to your inbox. Sign up today:

Stories & Strategies: Strengthening the CRC in Canada - Are you interested in learning more about ministry happening in CRC churches? Join the Canadian Ministry Board for stories (and best practice learnings from those experiences) and how they might be applicable to your local church context. We look forward to discussing these ideas with you alongside other church members & leaders. Join us virtually on January 25, 2025 (11am-1pm ET / 8-10am PT). More at

Next Week! Stories & Strategies: Strengthening the CRC in Canada - Are you interested in learning more about ministry happening in CRC churches? Join the Canadian Ministry Board for stories, and best practice learnings from those experiences, and how they might be applicable to your local church context. We look forward to discussing these ideas with you alongside other church members and leaders. Join us virtually on January 25, 2025 (11am-1pm ET / 8-10am PT). Learn more and register at

An Advent Greeting from the CRCNA - As we prepare for Christmas, the ministries of the Christian Reformed Church in North America wish to share with you the Christmas story and find comfort in God's faithfulness. Watch this short video at Have a blessed Christmas!

World Renew

The Gift of Christmas - Next week, we celebrate the gift of Jesus, who left his heavenly home to offer us the hope of eternal life with him. Your gift for World Renew this season gives hope to people who live with poverty, disaster, and injustice worldwide. Put families in need on your Christmas list this year by giving generously in the World Renew offering. Traveling over the holidays? You can give at or call 800-552-7972.

Jesus Christ is Born! - As we exchange gifts at Christmas, we celebrate Jesus, God’s great gift to us. Will you add someone in need, like Moses from Malawi, to your Christmas giving today? Your financial gift to World Renew helps people around the world who live in poverty improve their lives and find a home for their heart in Jesus. Please give generously in today’s offering for World Renew, go to, or call 800-552-7972.

Giving Thanks for You at Christmas - Thank you for sharing God’s love with people in need through World Renew during Advent. Your gift is providing help and hope for families, like Moses’ in Malawi, who are facing poverty, disaster, and injustice today. If you want to help people through World Renew in the New Year, please go to or call 800-552-7972. Thank you for sharing the Good News of God's love!

The Gift of Christmas - Next week, we celebrate the gift of Jesus, who left his heavenly home to offer us the hope of eternal life with Him. Your gift for World Renew this season gives hope to people who live with poverty, disaster, and injustice worldwide. Put families in need on your Christmas list this year by giving generously in the World Renew offering. Travelling over the holidays? You can give at or call 1-888-975-3769.

Jesus Christ is Born! - As we exchange gifts at Christmas, we celebrate Jesus, God’s great gift to us. Will you add someone in need to your Christmas giving today? Your financial gift to World Renew helps people around the world who live in poverty improve their lives and find a home for their heart in Jesus. Please give generously in today’s offering for World Renew, go to or call 1-888-975-3769.

Giving Thanks at Christmas - Thank you for sharing God’s love with people in need through the World Renew offering this season. Your gift is providing help and hope for families who are facing poverty, disaster, and injustice today. Thank you for sharing the Good News at Christmas! As we enter a New Year, join us in continuing to help share the love of Christ with those living with poverty, disaster, and injustice. Learn more at

Journey with World Renew in 2025! - World Renew offers global engagement journeys to educate and equip Canadians about the story of poverty. Plan to join us in the new year to experience World Renew firsthand. Opportunities include Discovery Tours to Honduras, Uganda, and Cambodia, as well as the Guatemala Christian Leaders Tour and Nicaragua Young Adults Trip. Visit for trip dates and register today!

Journey with World Renew in 2025! - World Renew offers global engagement journeys to educate and equip Canadians about the story of poverty. Plan to join us in the new year to experience World Renew firsthand. Opportunities include Discovery Tours to Honduras, Uganda, and Cambodia, as well as the Guatemala Christian Leaders Tour and Nicaragua Young Adults Trip. Visit for trip dates and register today!

Calvin University

Visiting Grand Rapids? - The Prince Conference Center and Hotel offers guests a peaceful yet professional retreat. Whether you’re looking for a wedding venue, convention space, or simply a quiet place to stay, our friendly staff and comfortable accommodations will have you coming back again and again. Come enjoy beautiful natural surroundings while being minutes from the shopping district of 28th Street, Frederik Meijer Gardens, and downtown Grand Rapids.

The January Series - The January Series of Calvin University returns January 20 through January 31.  From Paralympians to historians, adventurers, and innovators, we have a topic for you to deepen your curiosity. Join us in the Covenant Fine Arts Center on the campus of Calvin University or online. More information can be found at

CRC Heritage Fund

Year-End Giving Reminder - Many of you will be giving a special year end gift to your church or favorite charity. If you plan to give from your IRA, remember those gifts need to be received and deposited by December 31 to count for 2024 taxes. Plan your giving ahead. To learn more about giving from your IRA or other ways to give to the CRC, please visit


Young Adult Winter Retreat - The Young Adult Winter Retreat (YAWR) is back again at Maranatha CRC, Woodstock! We would like to encourage all young adults ages 18-30 to join us for this weekend of faith-based discussions, service, fellowship, and funtivities! We are excited to announce that Pastor Stephen Terpstra from First CRC Iowa will be leading us in a series of discussions on engaging in the church community. The retreat will take place from January 24-26, 2025, with the theme Engage. Early bird registration is $60. Don’t miss this chance to grow in faith, build lasting connections, and have fun! For more information or the registration link, follow us on Instagram (yawinterretreat), Facebook (Young Adult Winter Retreat), or email us at [email protected].

Diaconal Ministries Canada

Position Opening: NewGround Coordinator - Through its NewGround program, Diaconal Ministries Canada (DMC) partners with deacons and churches, offering grants, coaching, and other resources to help them start or grow a local community ministry. Overall, its mission is to help churches build strong connections with their local communities, offering practical and spiritual support to the marginalized and under-served populations. We are currently seeking a part-time NewGround Coordinator (18 hrs/week) who will provide ongoing development and administration for this vital program. To read the full job description, visit DMC's website now:

Your Support Matters - Diaconal Ministries Canada has been supporting Canadian deacons for over 20 years, helping them live out their mandate to transform communities with Christ’s love. Of the hundreds of deacons we work with over the course of a year, one thing we hear over and over again is how tremendously beneficial the synergy between their diaconates and Diaconal Ministries has been. And we couldn't do this without the financial and prayerful support of churches and individual donors. Please consider a year-end gift or become a monthly donor so our work can continue to expand. Visit our website at or send us an e-transfer to [email protected]. Thank you and may God bless you richly this Christmas as you bless those around you!

Happy New Year - Diaconal Ministries Canada has been supporting Canadian deacons for over 20 years. CRC deacons are on the frontlines of ministry and our resources and workshops help them bring lasting transformation to their churches and communities. We couldn't do any of our work without the financial and prayerful support of churches and individual donors. So thank you! May God bless you richly in this coming year as you bring his light and love to those around you!

The Banner

Year End Support for The Banner! - Help The Banner reach its annual goal of raising $500,000 by giving before December 31. Your gift will enable The Banner to continue reaching North Americans with inspiring and insightful Christian content for another full year. Please donate now at

Global Coffee Break

Start the New Year with a Study - Join one of our Global Coffee Break Online Zoom Studies. Here is your opportunity to participate in a CRCNA resource led by their team. Space is limited. Men, women and young adults welcome. Go to for more information and to register!