CRC Communications
Surrey Area CRCNA Airlines - Final Boarding Call - Next week board the “CRCNA Airlines”, where your flight attendants will lead you on a wild adventure following our ministry share dollars across the globe. We'll jet off to Cambodia, Uganda, traverse Canada and so much more. Join us for this epic Ministry Shares workshop and be part of this fun adventure! DATE: Saturday, April 5th, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: Fleetwood CRC, 9165 160 St., Surrey, BC, V4N 2X7 RSVP:
Abbotsford Area CRCNA Airlines - Final Boarding Call - Next week board the “CRCNA Airlines”, where your flight attendants will lead you on a wild adventure following our ministry share dollars across the globe. We'll jet off to Cambodia, Uganda, traverse Canada and so much more. Join us for this epic Ministry Shares workshop and be part of this fun adventure! DATE: April 6th, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: New Life CRC, 35270 Delair Rd, Abbotsford, BC V3G 2E2 RSVP:
Edmonton Area CRCNA Airlines - Board the “CRCNA Airlines”, where your flight attendants will lead you on a wild adventure following our ministry share dollars across the globe. We'll jet off to Cambodia, Uganda, traverse Canada and the USA, explore our Urban Indigenous Ministries, and so much more. You'll leave feeling inspired and empowered, knowing that your ministry share dollars are hard at work, making a significant impact on countless lives. Are you ready for a fun adventure? Join us for this epic Ministry Shares workshop and be part of something truly extraordinary! DATE: Saturday, May 24th, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: West End CRC, 10015 149 St, Edmonton, AB, T5N 3X6 RSVP:
Edmonton Area CRCNA Airlines - Board the “CRCNA Airlines”, where your flight attendants will lead you on a wild adventure following our ministry share dollars across the globe. We'll jet off to Cambodia, Uganda, traverse Canada and the USA, explore our Urban Indigenous Ministries, and so much more. You'll leave feeling inspired and empowered, knowing that your ministry share dollars are hard at work, making a significant impact on countless lives. Are you ready for a fun adventure? Join us for this epic Ministry Shares workshop and be part of something truly extraordinary! DATE: Saturday, May 24th, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: West End CRC, 10015 149 St, Edmonton, AB, T5N 3X6 RSVP:
Edmonton Area CRCNA Airlines - Final Boarding Call - Next week board the “CRCNA Airlines”, where your flight attendants will lead you on a wild adventure chasing our ministry share dollars across the globe. We'll jet off to Cambodia, Uganda, traverse Canada, and so much more. Join us for this epic Ministry Shares workshop and be part of this fun adventure! DATE: Saturday, May 24th, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: West End CRC, 10015 149 St, Edmonton, AB, T5N 3X6 RSVP:
Forty Days of Prayer for Synod - Join people from across the denomination and around the world for 40 days of prayer leading up to Synod 2025. Writers of different ages, abilities, backgrounds, and places, from CRC congregations and ministries have shared prayers on the theme, Journey With Jesus. Find resources and sign up at
Forty Days of Prayer for Synod - You’re invited into 40 days of intentional, guided prayer leading up to Synod 2025. Echoing the Emmaus Road theme from Gather events, we hope to "Journey With Jesus" as we ask for God's guidance, with prayers written by a wide variety of CRC contributors. Learn more and sign up at for either daily Scripture and prayers OR a week’s worth of Scripture and prayers that will be emailed to you. The 40 days of prayer will begin on Sunday, May 4.
Forty Days of Prayer for Synod - You’re invited into 40 days of intentional, guided prayer leading up to Synod 2025. The theme, Journey With Jesus, has been engaged with by a wide variety of CRC contributors. Learn more and sign up for either daily Scripture and prayers OR a week’s worth of Scripture and prayers that will be emailed to you.
40 Days of Prayer for Synod 2025 - 40 Days of Prayer are written prayers representing the diversity of CRC members that will guide us for the 40 days leading up to synod. Sign up to receive an email with the prayer for the day, or a PDF with each week’s prayers. The 40 Days of Prayer will begin next Sunday, May 4, and will conclude as Synod 2025 delegates gather on June 12.
40 Days of Prayer for Synod 2025 - It's not too late! Pray-ers from around the denomination and the world began praying for Synod 2025 on May 4, but new pray-ers are always welcome. With prayers contributed by a wide variety of CRC writers, join us as we seek God's guidance and presence for this year's synod. Learn more and sign up for either daily Scripture and prayers OR a week’s worth of Scripture and prayers that will be emailed to you.
Indigenous Ministry
100 Women | 1 Heart - On April 24, 2025 from 7:30-9pm Join 100 women for food fellowship and an evening of impact. You’ll hear from keynote speaker Shannon Perez, a Sayisi Dene woman and the director of the centre. Join us at CRCNA Office 3475 Mainway Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8
100 Women | 1 Heart - Next week join us for 100 Women | 1 Heart On April 24, 2025 from 7:30-9pm. You’ll hear from keynote speaker Shannon Perez, a Sayisi Dene woman and the director of the Indigenous Family Centre. Join us at CRCNA Office 3475 Mainway Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8 for fellowship and delicious food. Can’t attend? Give a gift in honour of another woman you admire.
We're hiring! Director of Indigenous Christian Fellowship - The successful candidate will lead a contextualized Christian ministry within an urban Indigenous community in Regina, Saskatchewan. This role involves recruiting and supporting staff and volunteers, providing spiritual and pastoral care, managing finances including fundraising and budgeting, overseeing community programs using Indigenous asset-based development, building relationships with the CRC community and other churches, and assisting with board development. Apply at
Calvin University
Paul’s Missionary Journeys in Greece - (October 13 - 24, 2025) Travel by motor coach (6 days) and cruise ship (4 days) to sites connected with Paul’s second and third missionary journeys, as well as visit other major sites of biblical, archaeological, and cultural interest. Jeff Weima, professor at Calvin Theological Seminary and leading Pauline scholar, hosts this inspirational tour. For more information, contact Dr. Weima at 616-328-3110 or
ReFrame Ministries
Kids Corner: Lent: Jesus' Sacrifice for Us - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion “Lent: Jesus’ Sacrifice for Us” at Have you ever wondered why Jesus had to die? Discover the answer in this kids’ devotional that shows how much Jesus loves you, why He made the ultimate sacrifice, and how His amazing victory gives us hope! Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Lent and Easter Collection.
Kids Corner: Lent: God's Will Be Done - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion “Lent: God’s Will Be Done” at What do you do when it’s hard to obey God? Discover how Jesus prayed for strength and trusted God’s plan in tough times. Learn how to follow his example and seek God’s help when obedience feels hard! Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Lent and Easter Collection.
Kids Corner: Lent: Jesus Loves Me - Check out this week’s Kids Corner devotion “Lent: Jesus Loves Me” at What does it mean to love like Jesus? Even while on the cross and in his deepest suffering, Jesus prayed for forgiveness for those who hurt him and extended love to a criminal who asked to be remembered (Luke 23:39-43). Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Lent and Easter Collection.
Job Opening: Advancement Campaigns Manager (ReFrame Ministries) - ReFrame Ministries is the worldwide media ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. This full-time remote position plays a key role in ReFrame’s Advancement Team, developing and implementing a communications and marketing strategy for ReFrame, which connects constituents to the ministry and inspires increasing levels of generosity and engagement. Learn more and apply at
Kids Corner: Good News at Easter - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion “Good News at Easter” at Just like we know the voice of someone we love, Mary Magdalene knew it was Jesus when he called her name outside the empty tomb on Easter morning. That special moment changed everything for her! It reminds us to share the amazing news that Jesus is alive and loves us so much. Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Lent and Easter Collection.
Groundwork: Jesus Predicts His Death - During the season of Lent, we reflect and prepare our hearts for Easter. Similarly, Jesus tried to prepare his disciples for his death. Join Groundwork as we study Mark 8:31-36 and Luke 18:31-34 to study Jesus’ words and see how Jesus’ journey to the cross invites us to follow Him in faith, sacrifice, and hope. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
CRC Heritage Fund
Resources for Giving in a Will - Did you know cash isn’t always the best way to give to CRC Ministries? You may be able to increase your potential impact— and experience significant tax benefits — by giving stock, real estate, or other non-cash assets. Email: or call Josh Remer, CRCNA Planned Giving Advisor at 616-223-5885. Learn more at
Eggs in the Giving Basket -
Savvy farmers who put some of their eggs – or grains, almonds, berries, corn, or even livestock – in the giving basket avoid taxes AND have tremendous Kingdom impact. Commodities are often more cost-effective to give than cash! Are commodities the right giving option for you? We’d love to tell you more. Write to or call Josh Remer, CRCNA Planned Giving Advisor at 616-223-5885
World Renew
Free Will and Estate Planning Clinic - Looking for help creating or updating your will? Need guidance in ensuring that your legacy plans align with your values? Join a complimentary session prepared for you by World Renew in partnership with Christian Stewardship Services on Saturday, April 26 at 10 am at the West End CRC in Edmonton (10015 149 St., Edmonton). To register, or for more information, please contact World Renew at or 1-888-975-3769. Light refreshments will be served!
Journey with World Renew in Uganda! - Join the World Renew Uganda Discovery Tour from August 9–19, 2025, and experience the transformative power of God firsthand. Visit communities focused on maternal and child health, food security, and conservation agriculture. Connect with youth empowerment clubs and village savings groups, witnessing how lives are being changed for a brighter future. Experience the breathtaking Murchison Falls, embark on an exciting safari adventure, and immerse yourself in the incredible beauty of Uganda. For more information and to register, visit:
Resonate Global Mission
Double Your Gift to Resonate Global Mission - Resonate Global Mission has a great opportunity for your giving to God’s mission through the Christian Reformed Church! Now through April 30, any amount you give for our special campaign will be matched, dollar for dollar, by a generous donor! Learn more at
Your Gift Will Go Twice as Far - As we prepare to celebrate our Savior who is the Resurrection and the Life, let’s go out with joy in our hearts to join God’s mission! This Easter, you can help Christian Reformed church planters, missionaries, and campus ministers live out the good news by making a gift to Resonate while your gift will go twice as far! Find out how at
A Special Opportunity on Mission with the Christian Reformed Church - Don’t miss out on an opportunity to double your gift to God’s mission! Resonate Global Mission is your Christian Reformed Mission agency, working together across our denomination to help your church spread the gospel. This Easter season, you can help provide hope and transform lives—and double your gift—by giving to our special campaign at Any amount you give will be matched dollar for dollar!
Easter Greetings from Resonate - He is risen! When we follow Jesus, we have an opportunity to live into that truth a little more every day. We also step into a calling to work toward the kingdom transformation Jesus brought to earth. Resonate Global Mission, your mission agency, walks alongside you and your church as you join God on mission. Thank you for your prayer, care, and support for your missionaries and church planters! This Easter season we have a special opportunity for you to double your impact—see details at
Thrive Faith Formation Tip - In Acts 2:42-47, we read how the early church lived and worshiped in community, “praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people” (v. 47, NIV). Think of your own church community this week. How can you make everyone feel welcome? Look at things in your church like the raised platform (pulpit area) and the seating. Is everyone in your congregation able to access these areas? Is the building welcoming to visitors? Do you have a way for individuals who may be sensitive to noise to participate in worship? Spend some time this week talking with others about how you can welcome everyone to your church community. Brought to you by Thrive:
Consejo de Thrive sobre Formación en la Fe - En Hechos 2:42-47 leemos cómo la iglesia primitiva vivía y adoraba en comunidad, “alabando a Dios y disfrutando de la estimación general del pueblo” (v. 47, NVI). Piensa en tu comunidad de iglesia esta semana. ¿Cómo puedes hacer que todos se sientan bienvenidos? Observa cosas en tu iglesia, como la plataforma elevada y los asientos. ¿Puede toda tu congregación acceder a estas áreas? ¿El edificio es acogedor para los visitantes? ¿Tienes un espacio para que las personas sensibles al ruido participen en la adoración? Dedica tiempo esta semana a hablar con otros sobre cómo dar la bienvenida a todos en tu comunidad de iglesia. Presentado por Thrive:
Thrive 신앙 훈련 팁 - 사도행전 2:42-47은 초대 교회가 공동체 안에서 어떻게 살아가며 예배했는지를 보여줍니다. "하나님을 찬미하며 또 온 백성에게 칭송을 받으니"(47절). 이번 주에는 우리 교회 공동체를 돌아보며, 누구나 환영받을 수 있는 환경을 만들기 위한 방법을 고민해 봅시다. 교회의 강대상과 좌석 배치가 모든 사람들이 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 설계되어 있는지 확인하고, 방문객들이 교회 건물에서 편안함을 느낄 수 있는지 점검해 보세요. 또한, 소음에 민감한 사람들이 예배에 편안히 참여할 수 있는 환경이 조성되었는지 살펴보는 것도 중요합니다. 사람들과 시간을 내어 이야기를 나누며, 모두가 환영 받는 공동체를 만들기 위한 구체적인 방법들을 함께 모색해 보세요. Thrive에서 제공하는 자료입니다: