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Special Note for Bulletin Editors and Church Administrators:

To allow bulletin editors more time amid the busyness of Christmas, New Year, and Sunday services, bulletin announcements will be prepared a day early for the last two weeks of the year. The email with the link to the bulletin announcements page will be sent Tuesday, December 24, and Tuesday, December 31, rather than the regular Wednesday time.

About This Page: These announcements connect church members with the ministries of their denomination. You can include them in your Sunday bulletin, weekly email, monthly newsletter (using the future week checkboxes), or Bridge App (for those churches using the app). When copy/pasting into a print bulletin, you may wish to paste as unformatted text (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+V) to remove formatting. For sharing in an electronic format, maintain the formatting to include hyperlinks to more information.

Related Resources:; ministry logos; weekly reminder email. Questions? Email [email protected].

Active Week:
Future Weeks (still in process)

The listing updates instantly when adjusting the filters above.

CRC Communications

Stories & Strategies: Strengthening the CRC in Canada - Are you interested in learning more about ministry happening in CRC churches? Join the Canadian Ministry Board for stories (and best practice learnings from those experiences) and how they might be applicable to your local church context. We look forward to discussing these ideas with you alongside other church members & leaders. Join us virtually on January 25, 2025 (11am-1pm ET / 8-10am PT). More at

Next Week! Stories & Strategies: Strengthening the CRC in Canada - Are you interested in learning more about ministry happening in CRC churches? Join the Canadian Ministry Board for stories, and best practice learnings from those experiences, and how they might be applicable to your local church context. We look forward to discussing these ideas with you alongside other church members and leaders. Join us virtually on January 25, 2025 (11am-1pm ET / 8-10am PT). Learn more and register at


Young Adult Winter Retreat - The Young Adult Winter Retreat (YAWR) is back again at Maranatha CRC, Woodstock! We would like to encourage all young adults ages 18-30 to join us for this weekend of faith-based discussions, service, fellowship, and funtivities! We are excited to announce that Pastor Stephen Terpstra from First CRC Iowa will be leading us in a series of discussions on engaging in the church community. The retreat will take place from January 24-26, 2025, with the theme Engage. Early bird registration is $60. Don’t miss this chance to grow in faith, build lasting connections, and have fun! For more information or the registration link, follow us on Instagram (yawinterretreat), Facebook (Young Adult Winter Retreat), or email us at [email protected].

We're Hiring! Learning and Development Specialist - This position will implement a learning and development program for denominational staff, focusing on improving skills, knowledge, and overall professional development. The successful candidate will also oversee the Performance Review System and collaborate with the Human Resources Directors to execute the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) strategy for denominational staff. This full time, hybrid position can work from either Grand Rapids, Mich., or Burlington, Ont. Apply at

ICS Winter Courses - Take an online course with the Institute for Christian Studies this winter! Tuition is $1,500 to take for credit, $600 to audit, or $425 for first-time auditors. To register, email Parker Cotton at [email protected], or visit to learn more. Options are: Material Spirituality: Rethinking Religion (with Neal DeRoo); Rhetoric as Philosophy from Isocrates to the Age of Abelard and Heloise (with Bob Sweetman); God in Flesh and Blood: Revolutions in Christology (with Nik Ansell); Deeper Learning: From Wonder to Inquiry to Practice (with Edith van der Boom); and How to Govern a School (with Gideon Strauss). A discounted Team Audit option is available for groups; email [email protected] for details.

ReFrame Ministries

Kids Corner: God's Guidance - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at Ask yourself, “How can you tell what God wants you to do?” Spoiler Alert: the key is to remember who God is. Listen now at and subscribe to KC’s weekly emails for all the new content. Check out all the great content at, like KC’s The Bible in One Year Plan.

Kids Corner: Loving My Enemy - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at As you listen, remember that what bullies say about you doesn’t define you. God has already said who you are. Check out all the great content at, like KC’s The Bible in One Year Plan.

Kids Corner: Word Power MLK Day - Word Power MLK Day Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at Did you know words have power? Your words. Your neighbor’s words. Everybody’s! Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. knew that. He used his word power to help people see each other as equals, no matter their skin color. Check out all the great content at like KC’s The Bible in One Year Plan.

Kids Corner: Faith and Action - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at In James 2:14-16, God tells us that if we truly have faith, we can’t help but also do good things! How can you show your faith every day this week? Check out all the great content at, like KC’s Valentine Cards.

Groundwork: Learning from the Sins of King David - Complacency and desperation lead David to compound sin upon sin as he unsuccessfully relies on his own power and abilities to right his wrongs. Join Groundwork as we explore 2 Samuel 11 to study David’s fall from grace, the consequences of his actions, and how his journey can illuminate our own path toward honesty, repentance, and a life that pleases the Lord. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.


Thrive Faith Formation Tip - Today is Epiphany Sunday, when we celebrate Jesus’ coming as the light to all people. On this Sunday we remember the Magi, who saw the light in the sky and followed it to hono(u)r the birth of Jesus. Read Matthew 2:1-12. Talk about what kind of gift you would bring to Jesus, and why. Brought to you by Thrive:

Consejo de Formación en la Fe de Thrive - Hoy es Domingo de Epifanía, cuando celebramos la venida de Jesús como la luz para todas las personas. En este domingo recordamos a los Magos, que vieron la luz en el cielo y la siguieron para honrar el nacimiento de Jesús. Lee Mateo 2:1-12. Habla sobre qué tipo de regalo le llevarías a Jesús y por qué. Presentado por Thrive:

Thrive 신앙 훈련 팁 - 오늘은 예수님께서 모든 사람에게 빛으로 오심을 기념하는 주현절 주일입니다. 이 날은 동방박사들이 하늘의 빛을 보고 예수님의 탄생을 경배하러 왔던 일을 기억하는 날입니다. 마태복음 2장 1-12절을 읽고, 예수님께 드리고 싶은 선물이 있다면 무엇이고, 그 이유는 무엇인지 함께 이야기해보세요. Thrive에서 제공하는 자료입니다:

Global Coffee Break

Start the New Year with a Study - Join one of our Global Coffee Break Online Zoom Studies. Here is your opportunity to participate in a CRCNA resource led by their team. Space is limited. Men, women and young adults welcome. Go to for more information and to register!

CRC Heritage Fund

CRCNA Heritage Circle Invite - If you have named the CRCNA (or one of their four agencies: Resonate, Thrive, World Renew or ReFrame) in your will or estate plan you are invited to join the Heritage Circle - a group of people who have named the CRCNA in future plans. As a member, you will receive a welcome package and be invited to special events throughout the year. Learn more about the Heritage Circle and planned giving at

Calvin University

Online Course - The online course "Cultural Values in Ministry" equips leaders of all types of ministries with practical tools for relating well to people from a variety of cultures. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to a healthy ministry. Held online February 3-March 9, 2025. Register at

World Renew

World Renew Honduras Discovery Tour - Begin the year by embarking on an unforgettable journey from March 15-20, 2025! Join us to see firsthand the incredible impact of World Renew's work in Honduras. This exciting tour offers a unique opportunity to explore World Renew's integrated agriculture projects in the beautiful, mountainous region of La Campa. For more information and to register, visit