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Special Note for Bulletin Editors and Church Administrators:

Have a great week!

Please note that for the week of Canada Day (July 1) and the Fourth of July (July 4), bulletin announcements will be ready on Tuesday (July 2) rather than Wednesday, to allow bulletin editors extra time to prepare, in light of the holidays. 

About This Page: These announcements connect church members with the ministries of their denomination. You can include them in your Sunday bulletin, weekly email, monthly newsletter (using the future week checkboxes), or Bridge App (for those churches using the app). When copy/pasting into a print bulletin, you may wish to paste as unformatted text (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+V) to remove formatting. For sharing in an electronic format, maintain the formatting to include hyperlinks to more information.

Related Resources:; ministry logos; weekly reminder email. Questions? Email [email protected].

Active Week:
Future Weeks (still in process)

The listing updates instantly when adjusting the filters above.


Wish You Could Do More for Ministry? - Through gifts in a will, many everyday people give substantially more than would ever be possible during their lifetimes. Email [email protected] to learn more how you can support Thrive in your estate plans.

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - The faith practice of remembering centers our attention on what God has done in our lives, deepening our assurance that God is with us here and now, and expanding our hope and anticipation for what God will yet do. Take some time this week to make a “faith timeline” to remember what God has done in your life and in the lives of people you love. Learn more at

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - Reading the Old Testament shows that even though God loved, protected, and provided for the people of Israel, time after time they forgot God. How might we become people who remember God? What might you add to your home or to your schedule to serve as a daily reminder to connect with God? Learn more at

Thrive Faith Formation Tip - In the sacrament of The Lord’s Supper we remember both the great sacrifice and the wonderful gift of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Think and talk about how you might more fully enter into both the sorrow and the joy as you celebrate communion. Learn more at

Calvin University

Free Lecture: Just Action - You are invited to join ICCF Community Homes and Calvin University’s Sociology/Social Work Department on Thursday, September 26, at 7:00pm for a free lecture by Leah Rothstein. Leah will be discussing her book, Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law (and referencing The Color of Law, written by her father Richard Rothstein), describing steps to address racially explicit and unconstitutional government policies that created racial segregation.

ReFrame Ministries

Kids Corner: The Power of Prayer - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at When kids pray, it makes a difference! Sometimes, we might think that God only hears grown-up prayers, but God also wants kids to care about and pray for our families and friends. Check out all the great content at, like the Faith Practices for Families Ebook Collection.

Kids Corner: Spontaneous Prayers - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at We don’t have to wait until Sunday to talk with God, or pray to him only at mealtimes. Ephesians 6:18 says to “never stop praying.” We can pray to God anytime. Check out all the great content at, like the Faith Practices for Families Ebook Collection.

Groundwork: Adopt the Mindset of Christ - As Christians, many of us long to make the world a better place. Join our Groundwork conversation as we study Philippians 2:1-11, Matthew 22:15-45, 1 Peter 2:21-23, and Matthew 20:24-28 to study the servant mindset Jesus modeled. Together we’ll glean biblical wisdom for discerning the relationship between faith and power and we’ll discuss the importance of developing Christlikeness. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Family Fire - Family Fire is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.

Kids Corner: Light for Your Path - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at Make devotions a habit. Pick a time and try to be consistent. Before bed is an excellent time for this, but it can be anytime during the day. Spending time with God’s Word and in prayer is the lamp for your path you need! Check out all the great content at, like the Faith Practices for Families Ebook Collection.

Kids Corner: Devoted - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at Is there something you are really devoted to? When we are devoted to something, we give all our time and energy to it - that's why reading our Bible and praying is called “devotions.” Check out all the great content at, like the Faith Practices for Families Ebook Collection.

Diaconal Ministries Canada

Volunteer Opportunity - Are you eager to make a positive contribution to your local CRC church and classis so that the ministries there can thrive? Do you long to see communities reached with Christ's transformational love through the ministry of the deacons? Then become a board member with Diaconal Ministries Canada! For over 20 years, Diaconal Ministries has been equipping and supporting deacons in the CRC in Canada. We are currently searching for a Board Member for Classis Niagara. If you would like to receive more information on this role or if you would like to submit your interest, please contact our Communications Coordinator, Erin Knight, at [email protected]. She'd love to connect with you and let you know more about this meaningful volunteer opportunity!

World Renew

World Renew DRS Response to Iowa Flooding - After heavy rain and severe flooding in northwestern Iowa last weekend (6/22/24), World Renew DRS is making plans to help the homeowners and churches who were most affected to clean up and rebuild as the flood water recedes. Please pray for those who have lost their homes and possessions, for DRS volunteers and staff, and others working to assist people in need. You can help flood survivors in Iowa and across the U.S. with your financial gift at, by calling 1-800-552-7972, or by mailing your check made out to World Renew DRS, with “Spring Storms 2024” in the memo line, to: World Renew, 8970 Byron Commerce Dr, SW, Byron Center, MI 49315.